The Magic Ball (part 2)

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I wonder what is does. I start to open the bag and what I see is a purple and blue marble. What is this?! what does my mom mean by "see what it has to show you".

As you look at the marble you hear your doorbell ring.

Huh I wonder who that would be.

You open the door and see a doctor and the lady from the old house looking very sad.

How do you know where I live?!?!
"Ah yes hello, I'm your mom's doctor and your mother is not doing well". "As we speak right now she heading to the hospital".

What...why what happened?!

"We don't know, your mother said she would tell you everything her self".
O-ok, what hospital is she heading too?
"She told us to drive you there are selves".
Ok then let me get my stuff and I'll come.
"Yes please hurry she might not have much time".

I hurried and grabbed the marble and put it back into the bag. I took the bag and placed it in my pocket got my shoes on and left to go see my mother.
Once we got to the hospital I went to my mom's room.

"(Y/n) you came"
Of course I came what happened?
"Listen to me right now I have a disease and apparently I gave it to you when you were born".
What kind of disease mom?
"Its very deadly and....and..I'm so so sorry"
Mom it's ok, don't say that.
"Did you get the marble yet"?
Yea why?
"Can I please have it"?
What why?
"Its not safe for you, I'm sorry"?

As we were talking about the marble,  mom started coughing and wouldn't stop so the doctor took you out of the room and came back with bad news.

"Ah hello are you the daughter of mrs.polya"?
Yes why?
"I'm sorry to say but she...d...died"
Mom....can I see her?

You walk into the room and see your mother dead with skin as white as snow. You start to feel something run down your cheek.

Mom please wake up. PLEASE WAKE

You stayed at the hospital untill Courtney comes in freaking out about how you stayed there for 5 hours crying your eyes out.

"(Y/n) are you ok?! don't you know you can get ill by crying to much, come on I'll take you home!"
Courtney why are you here.
"They called me and said that you were still here".
"And plus my mom works here and she doesn't like to see you like this".

You get up and take one last look at your mom. You grabbed the  bag your mom gave you and held it to your chest. Once you got home you took out the marble out of the bag. You stared at the note and the marble and you try to figure out why it's soooooo special.

See what it has to show you.... what in the world does that mean! Come on marble what do you have to show me that's  apparently so special. I'm Going to bed I don't have time to figure this out.

Once you set it down on your desk it started glowing a blue glow.

Uh what's it doing?

It starts to form a hologram saying "error"." if the other marble has not been given to a wizard then it will not work".

What does that mean. There's no such thing as wizards.

You hurry and put the marble in the bag and hope it stops glowing. You shoved your head under the pillow.

Please stop I'm not ready to see what the message is. Please I'm not ready.

You turn you head around to see if it stopped glowing and it did!

It stopped glowing! Yes! Now I can go to bed without a crazy glowing thing saying "error error error".

The next day you get up ready for school but yet still nervous for what the day holds for you.

Once you get to school you see three girls standing in front of the school like they were waiting for someone.

"Oh hay are you (y/n)?"

Uh yes I am...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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