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Kyungsoo lets out a long sigh when he is completely done with his work. He has been working from 8 am to 20:45 pm without breaks and his mind and body are exhausted. It's not like he doesn't like his job. He loves being able to help people and save lives, but today, patients were very picky for some things and he wonders why on earth some people can't stop drinking or smoking when they know that those addictions were going to kill them. Taking a long sip of his coffee, he starts picking up his things to leave when his phone shows a new text.

"You didn't forget about our plans right, Soo?"

Damn. He completely forgot about Chanyeol's invitation of going out to enjoy the night, but being honest, he is not in the mood to go to parties or some related place that involves music and people. He was about to exit his office, but a strong hand wrapped around his arm and, God, he really doesn't want to hang out tonight.

"Hey! Why are you leaving? You promise me that tonight we were going to let out the tensions of this week and c'mon, Soo. You promised!" the male says with an adorable pout on his lips and Kyungsoo can't stop wondering if Chanyeol was seriously older than him, because considering his actions he was just like a kindergartener dressed as a doctor.

"I know, but I'm so tired and sleepy and-"

"No 'but's, Kyungie. We are going to enjoy the wonderful night! Tomorrow is our free day, so you can sleep and rest all that you want, but tonight we are going to enjoy it, right?" He wants to scream a 'no', but he knows that it's going to be useless.

"So... tonight?" he says with a smile.

"That's my bro!" Kyungsoo laughs at the feeling of Chanyeol hugging him. It's so great and weird at the same time that he thinks when in the world they became friends. "Maybe if we get lucky we can get laid, you know."

Kyungsoo likes the last part. It's been awhile since the last time that he had sex and a one night stand doesn't sound bad. He has done it a few times before for the heck of it and he doesn't mind doing it again. To be honest, anything is better than his hand wrapped around his own member, so if the opportunity of banging some hot chick came to him, why not take advantage of it?

Driving through the streets was harder than usual, and the traffic of the capital was so mind blowing and stressful. After a few more minutes, they arrived at a club with red, neon lights adorning the windows.

"A strip club? Are you serious, Chanyeol?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Yah shut up. I am needy, you are needy, the world is needy, so shut the hell up and be nice if you want to get laid."

Walking through the sea of people grinding against each other wasn't easy. Kyungsoo had a hard time trying to not bump into everyone while he goes to the bar to get a drink. This kind of clubs is pretty frequented by horny men who are craving for a fuck. It's funny because things like that are illegal in the country, but no one monitors it so therefore they don't have eyes to report the underage girls dressed in promiscuous outfits or the dancers that usually attend to special clients backstage. The world is so mad and Kyungsoo would like to do something about it, but he is just a human against humanity and there's no way in the hell he could save the life of all the boys and girls who sell their bodies for money.

He takes a seat in one of the couches while a skinny lady dances to a song about sex. He watches the way her body curves and he can't help but find her attractive. Maybe her ass is not as good as others girls but her tits are for real. Chanyeol often calls him a 'tit man' and he couldn't care less. He just likes sex and that's it. Gender and body parts are just a compliment for the main plate called sex. Kyungsoo is the kind of guy that is too busy to be in a relationship. He wants to explore the world, help people, enjoy life, and then tie himself to a person. All his life he has been like that; closed-off and independent, he doesn't need someone by his side, and if he does, he just goes to some club to pay for it. That's how he lived and even though it's a messy lifestyle he likes it.

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