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TS made a chatroom

SR joined chat

BB joined chat

CB joined chat

NR joined chat

EP joined chat

PM joined chat

WM joined chat

SW joined chat

BB joined chat

TS- Hellloooo

EP- Um hi

TS- Rude

EP- Yeah, well what are you gunna do?

SW- Ladies

EP- Shut it bird boy

BB- Ohhhhh

EP- Wait

SR- What?

TS- Steve

SR- Tony

BB- Okay?

EP- There are two BB's

CB- Sooo?

EP- Which one is Bucky and who's Bruce

PM- Ohhhh

EP- Hey Pie!

PM- Hey Evie

BB- I'm Bruce

BB- I'm Bucky

EP- K one sec

EP changed BB to Brucey

Ep changed BB to Snowball

EP- There

Brucey- :(

Brucey left the chat


Snowball- Why am I Snowball


PM/WM- Yassss Evelyn!

TS- Lol

TS- Because you're the winter solider btw


Snowball- :(

EP- Sorry Buck, I can change it.

Snowball- What no? I am sad at Tony. I like it

NR- Okay then

EP-She speaks!

NR- Hello to you to Evelyn

EP- Sorry

PM- Can I have a nickname too?

EP- Sure

EP changed PM to Sonic

Sonic- Who's Sonic?

TS- A video game character

Sonic- So why am I Sonic?

EP- He runs real fast. Just like you!

Sonic- Ohhhh

CB- Somethings are not so fast

Sonic- I don't get it

CB- Hah!

Sonic left the chat

CB was disconnected

Sonic joined the chat

Sonic- What you didn't see that coming

SW- I want one!

EP- Omg I'm popular I should start a business!

TS- I shall be your manger!

EP- I would rather Steve, but lets not have another Civil War

SR- I'm honored

TS- I'm offended

EP- Awh well

EP changed NR to Queen Widow

EP changed PM to Hocus Pocus

EP changed SW to Birdie Boy

EP changed SR to Spangles

Spangles- And to think I loved you

EP changed Spangles to Cap

Cap- That's better

EP- changes Cap to Karma

Karma- Hey why am I Karma?

EP- Because Karma is a

TS- Language

Karma- :(

Karma has left the chat

EP- Ohhh Bucky, go sort out you wife out please

Snowball- K

Snowball has left the chat

EP- He didn't disagree? #Stucky confirmed!

Birdie Boy- Bucky no!

Birdie Boy has left the chat

EP- Well then

Queen Widow- I'm going to hunt down Clint

Hocus Pocus- I'll join, Pietro?

Sonic- Finnnnneeeee

Queen Widow has left chat

Hocus Pocus has left the chat

Sonic has left the chat

EP- I'm all alone

TS- First of I'm here. Second of why didn't I get a nickname?

EP- You didn't deserve one

TS changed EP to douche

douche changed TS to Snob

douche changed douche to Slayer

Slayer has left the chat

Snob- Well then

Snob left the chat

Karma joined chat

Karma- Language!

Karma changed Karma to Steve

Steve left the chat

Avengers Chatroom- ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora