Chapter 2

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It was amazing how cool the Garrison was about their return. They expected the Garrison to be wary and defensive as they made their way to land on Earth. Instead, they agreed to contact their families as long as they made their return discrete. Obviously, they agreed and told them that they would land in the same place Iverson saw Blue fly away. It wouldn't be very long until they got back to Earth and understandably everyone was really excited. Except for Lance.

He was worried for many different reasons. He didn't know what his family felt when he went missing. Were they sad? Did they not care? What would happen when the Garrison called them? Maybe he would be angry? He honestly didn't know and it terrified him. Or maybe he regretted what he did to Lance, and he would be happy to see Lance again.


He shook his head. His father hated him. He wouldn't give a damn if he was back or not. He looked around at everyone else and saw just how excited they were to be going back to Earth. He would be happy, just to see them reunite with their families.

With one wormhole jump, they could see Earth in the distance. Allura turned away from the holoscreen to look at the paladins, Matt, and Sam.

"I wish you the best of luck paladins," was all she said before she made a shooing motion towards the doors.

They nodded and quickly rushed out of the bridge and to the lion hangers. They decided to pile into Black and quickly shot out into space. Like they said they landed in about the same place that Blue took off. When they got there, Garrison staff was already lined up outside and barely flinched when Black's paws landed in front of them. They all exchanged salutes as they filed out and were escorted back to the base to wait for their families to arrive. In order to stay out of sight of the students, they waited on the tarmac on the base, instead of the campus.

The first person that walked across the tarmac was Colleen Holt, who burst into tears and ran over to them, dragging their dog Bae Bae along with her. Sam and Colleen crashed into each other with a sob, Matt, and Pidge wrapping around them. Eventually, their attention turned to Bae Bae who was frantically waving his tail and stepping excitedly around them.

While the four of them reunited, Hunk's name was called from across the pavement and his head whipped around. His eyes quickly teared up and then he was sprinting to his parents in the distance. They laughed as Hunk easily picked both of his parents up off the ground in a hug. When he put them down, they wrapped their arms around him and Donavan pushed Hunk's head into his shoulder as he started crying.

"Keith!" A loud voice shouted, startling everyone in the group. They looked over and saw a man hopping off of the hoverbike that Keith drove them away from the Garrison on.

"Dad!" Keith cried out, breaking away from Shiro and Lance and jumping into the man's arms. His dad wrapped his arm around him and pressed his head into his shoulder. They could clearly see both of their shoulders shaking in the hug. As they watched the two of them, Iverson walked up beside Shiro and Lance.

"We contacted your families but they said it would be a little bit before they arrive," he informed them.

"Thank you, Sir," they nodded and he stepped away again.

"Who is coming for you?" Lance asked curiously looking up at him.

"My mother I imagine," he hummed his finger laying on his chin. Lance nodded and looked down at the asphalt.

"Do you think that your father is going to come?" Shiro asked with concern. Lance flinched and immediately he felt bad.

"Honestly, I hope not," Lance admitted. Shiro nodded and went quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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