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After school:

Youngjae's pov:

So as I left the school gate I saw Zelo waiting for me as promised so I met up with him and we walked to the nearby park and sat on the bench;

"Alright we are here so now tell me everything"

*skipped the story about his mom and dad

"Wow you went through a lot why didn't you tell me all this before, could you not trust me or something, does anyone also know?"

"Yeah I did and Yongguk knows as well so just you to and I do trust you I was just not ready to say anything"

"Well, I'm glad you told even if it seemed I forced you to any way we should be going home see you tomorrow Jae" he said just before he walked off but soon stopped as soon as I answered.

"Yeah that's for listening and let's act like normal I don't want this to ruin our friendship"

"Don't worry it won't, but I have to get going so talk to later.bye? " he said as he ran off into the distance

1 month later....

Daehyun's Pov:

It was lunch time and Yongguk and others just finished the food and left Youngjae alone on the bench so I thought it would not hurt just talk to him for awhile as I was quite harsh the last I spoke to him.

"Hey can I sit next to you If you don't mind"

Youngjae's pov:

Why is he talking to me last time he didn't want me to talk to him or be his friend and now he is being nice I wonder if my I'm just a game to him.

"Why are you talking to me? Can you just leave me alone please" I say just about stand up and leave

"I'm sorry about how I acted towards you last month I was just not I in a good mood and I didn't mean to take it out on you"

"I forgive you hey can I tell you something this might be the quickest I've ever told anyone this but I trust you enough to say this"

"You can trust me, I won't tell a soul," Daehyun said sitting down

"Ok when I was 10 years old my mom died after having my little brother i took it well than anyone else but my dad was completely worse he started drinking and every time I got home late or I didn't do what he asked as soon as he said it he would. Hit me and not give me food that day but it got worse it ended up me being locked in the basement and starved for a week during holidays so I couldn't tell my friends and lie that I was out of town."


"That's not all hold on and when I finally told Youngguk he called the police but when they arrived he told me to act normal which I did so I wouldn't get hurt."

"Hey, Youngjae I promise that nothing bad will happen as long am here....I will protect you "

Next day.....

Everyone was messing around throwing pens and pencils all over the place while I was just talking to Daehyun but everyone stopped and looked towards the door as a boy just entered the classroom.

"Hello class I will like to introduce this last minute exchange student please introduce yourself," Mr Kim said

"Hello everyone my name is Byun Baekhyun please take care of me," he said with an evil smile on his face

A match made in hell (Daejae)Where stories live. Discover now