I'm a what?!

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A/N sorry everyone for my lack of updating. anyway shout out to @cowboysnangles for requesting this. enjoy ;)

I wake in a cold sweat, shaking as I drag a dirty hand through my ragged hair. I look around at my strange surroundings, I was in the middle of a forest a few metres from a few tents. Did I go camping last night and pass out? I can't remember anything.

I pull myself to my feet and wonder over to the campsite. I see one of the tents is badly ripped and no one is inside. I turn back to where the coals of the fire were just beginning to burn out. On the rocks surrounding the fire I see small red drops. Blood? I look down at myself and realise I'm not wearing any clothes but other than that I'm not bruised or cut so the blood couldn't be mine.

I follow the trail of blood to behind one of the destroyed tents. Before I could even process what was going on I could hear a loud scream I look around but there was no one. I'm the one screaming I realise. I cup a hand over my mouth as I look back down at the horror beside my feet. There were 3 people all with deep gashes in their skin oozing blood, one of the men who looked about 35 had lost his leg... wait nope it definitely wasn't lost I could see it a few metres away being pecked at by ravens.

My knees begin to buckle and I collapse onto the cold forest floor beneath me. I could feel tears beginning to sting my eyes as I lie there freezing and terrified.

"Hey, Are you ok?" I hear as I feel I coat being draped over me. I look up to see a man looking down at me concerned.

"What happened? Did I- did I do this?" I ask.

"What's your name?" He asks not answering my question. he pulls me up into a sitting position and hands me a bottle of water.

"Azura, Azura Shostak," I say as I unscrew the bottle lid and begin to gulp down the cool water.

"Ok, Azura I'm Luke and I'm here to help you," he says and helps me to my feet.


"I'm a what?!" I yell.

"A werewolf Azi, You're a werewolf," he says calmly as if he's had this conversation a million times over.

"But they're, they're not real," I say dumbfounded.

"No Azi they are perfectly real, as well as vampires, demons, warlocks, faeries and shadow hunters," He says in the same calm tone.

" What the hell is a shadow hunter?"

"They're the ones that hunt the demons," he says taking a bite of his moo shu (lol I'm hilarious, not actually anyway continue)

"And we turn into deathly blood thirsty wolves every full moon fun," I say sarcastically.

"Well actually you can begin to learn to change at will and eventually resist the urge when there is a full moon."

At the far end of the Chinese shop I can hear the bell of the door, I turn my head to see a boy around me age dressed in a black shirt, leather jacket, cargo boots and black jeans, his hair was also a similar dark shade and his skin was covered in thick tattoos. His pale blue eyes held a stern gaze and his lips were pressed in a tight line.

he walked down the aisle and stopped at our table. "Luke, Clary needs to talk to you," he says with a deep stern voice.

"Ok, but is it ok if I bring Azura with me, she is a newbie? I only found her last night," Luke asks with a now more serious voice.

"Yeah whatever," the boy says looking over at me for the first time. I feel his eyes burn into my skin as he looks at me with his beautiful eyes. he smiles dully before turning around and walking towards the door.

"Come on Azi, I'll show you the institute." He says standing up and beginning to follow the boy.

"The what?" I ask, he turns back smiling before replying.

"Just come on you'll see."

Sorry for the short chapter. Hopefully they will get longer as I go along.

- Cheshire Cat

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