We miss one dance, and now you're dating trashmouth? (Bill x Richie one-shot)

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Prompt: It's the night of the Loser's Clubs highschool dance, but Stan and Eddie stay home because it's not their thing. The only two who actually attend from that group are Bill and Richie, who go seperately, but end up seeing eachother and decide to wreck havoc during the dance by spiking the punch.

Pairing: Bichie (Bill x Richie), with mentions of past Stenborough.


"Stan- please. Just this once."
Bill looked at the tall male, his eyes glossing over as he practically begged the curly haired boy. The dark haired youth looked out from under his his thick eyelashes, trying not to catch the stare of the boy in front of him. Truth be told, Bill didn't want their yearly tradition to end. Every year, without fail, the two of them would attend their High Schools end of year dance together. However, Bill knew that things would never be the same for them again.
It would be their first dance in the last two years that they wouldn't be going- if Stan did eventually decide to go- as a couple.
The brunette looked up at the shaking head of his companion, his heart dropping. Of course he wouldn't want to go, it was the most likely response to something like this, but Bill had thought the two of them had moved past this. "Bill, I cant- You know dances aren't my thing anymore-" He said, before being cut off by the aforementioned boy. "It's f-f-fine, forget a-a-buh-bout it. It doesn't m-muh-atter." Bill said, walking down his best friend's driveway, and with no time to spare, he picked up his bike and began to ride down the street. He muttered to himself in disjointed, broken speech as he turned a left corner, pedalling faster than he had in a long time. His breath came out in heart-wrenching sobs, his chest heaving. He had mistakenly thought that things with Stan had finally calmed down. Before he knew it, he was already at the school, staring up at the looming building that had muffled music escaping from every crevice.

Bill wiped at his eyes furiously, determined not to cry. His stuttering only got worse when he cried. The young boy locked up his bike, looking at the building with a look of isolation. He didn't want to go in without Stan, the thought was too nerve-wracking for him. He lifted a hand to his mouth, beginning to gnaw at his already bitten-down nails and the skin around it. He tapped his foot nervously, looking around for the bikes of his friends, which, as he had guessed earlier, were nowhere to be found. Eddie, he knew, was banned from attending by his over-bearing mother, who was under the delusion that her son was recovering from a bad chest infection. This almost immediately ruled out Richie attending either, as he rarely went anywhere without Eddie. He didn't expect to see Mike either, as he was homeschooled, and wouldn't be allowed in the venue. The others- well, he was unaware that anything prevented them from coming along, but he didn't honestly know if they'd turn up. Like Stan- dance's weren't really their thing.
He took a deep breath, stepping up each step almost nervously, reaching a shaking hand up to turn the doorknob. He began to panic as his heated bare flesh touched the smooth metal. What if no one I talk to is in there? What if I have no one again? He shook his head, letting go of the doorknob and stepping back. "I c-c-an't." he muttered, hunching his shoulders slightly as anxiety filled the pit of his stomach, and he turned to leave. Behind him, the door opened as a smaller girl in his English Literature stood in the doorway. She looked at his retreating back, shocked, before reaching a hand out and grabbing his shoulder, "Bill! It's lovely to see you here. Come on in-" She said, leading him in behind her despite his muttered protests as they reached the hall and she walked away as quickly as she arrived. Bill looked around the dance hall, anxiety clear on his face, until his eyes met a face off to the side.
Sitting alone at a table was Richie.
His dark curls were visibly dishevelled, and his dress shirt and trousers were somewhat neat, but he looked bedraggled compared to everyone else. He adjusted his thick glasses, staring down at the floor and his tapping foot. Bill let out a soft smile, making his way over to the isolated boy and sitting down next to him. Richie's head snapped up in shock, looking at Bill in disbelief for a split second before he broke into a wide grin as he embraced the stuttering boy, "No way did you actually come, Denborough." he chuckled, his grin widening, "This is the fucking worst dance I've ever been too. More boring than doing Eddie's Mom."
Bill rolled his eyes, shaking his his head at his rather crass friend, "Beep, Be-Beep Richie." he mumbled, not having the heart to tell the trashmouth off as harshly as Eddie would have. The stuttering youth had always had a soft spot for the glasses-clad boy, and he outwardly refused to be as harsh as the others were on him, even if he did get offended by the things the latter said. Richie smiled, viewing it as a term of endearment, "However- I do know a way that we can make this dance a whole lot better." he said, chuckling at whatever he had planned. Bill quirked a brow, "P-p-p -shit. P-Pra-y tell?" he said, clutching his fingers nervously. Richie just smiled, fishing a small flask from his bag.
"We put this in the punch."
Bill froze, his eyebrows raising even further, "Where d-did you get-t that from?" he muttered looking at the boy across from him like he was insane. Richie looked down at his shoes and tapped his foot nervously, and Bill knew exactly who he'd gotten it from. He rested a hand on his companion's shoulder, smiling at him, "Lets d-do it." Richie smiled as the taller grabbed the flask and dumped the contents into the nearby punch bowl, grabbing two glasses. Bill filled them both, taking a hesitant sip of one of them as Richie drank the other. It tasted bitter, and Bill pulled a face, looking at the cup in slight disgust before drinking the rest of the contents. Bill swayed slightly, looking at the cup with somewhat half-lidded eyes as they both made their way to the door. Richie chuckled and helped him outside, walking next to his best friend, "How about we go for a walk?" he suggested, smiling as Bill nodded eagerly.
Bill grabbed his companions hand, running off and dragging the boy with him until they arrived at the bleachers by the football pitch. He smiled, pulling him up the stairs until they reached the third row from the top and sat down, Bill turning to face his friend, cheeks flushed. "Why are you here, Richie?" Bill muttered, his eyes suddenly downcast, "You d-don't go anyw-w-where without Eddie, and he's n-n-ot here, so why a-a-re you?" Richie paused after readjusting his glasses and looked away, playing with his fingers in a rather uncharacteristic manner, "I- uh. I- shit. I knew it was only going to be you here. I guess I- I kind of feel like you don't get to see me as much anymore- especially not after Stan-." he stopped, sighing softly and turning to face Bill once again, "I guess I just wanted it to be us again."
Bill broke out in a grin, surprising Richie, "W-Whatever you wan-nt Trashmouth." he said, moving a few stray hairs out of the way of the crude boy's vision, and running a shaking hand through his curly mop. Richie stopped his hand midway through his hair and gulped, "But... Stan-". Stan was the furthest thing from Bill's mind as he stared into his somewhat melancholy eyes, and, with a small shake of his head, he leant across slightly and let his lips rest on his friends.
It was a messy kiss. It was uncharacteristically uncoordinated, and Bill tripped over a seat whilst trying to be closer to his companion. It was messy and awkward, a mix of both passion and unease as they both attempted, and failed, to move their lips in sync. But, to them, it was sure as hell perfect.
"BILL! RICHIE!" The shrill echo of Beverly's voice came from the pitch, as Her, Mike and Ben all stood at the bottom, looking up at the pair knowingly. Richie jumped away from his partner, moving away in order to put a slight amount of distance between the two. Beverly raised eyebrow at this, chuckling at their reactions, "We, being the amazing friends we are, came to pick you up so neither of you had to travel home alone" she said, smiling at the flushed faces of the two boys sitting on the bleachers.
"But we miss one dance and now you're dating Trashmouth?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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We miss one dance and now you're dating Trashmouth? (Bill x Richie request)Where stories live. Discover now