The best moment

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a/n so um I am clueless on what to say um the Yugioh characters are still here

Yugioh characters: hi

anyway it's time to start the fanfic

A few years later

Foxy's POV
It's our five year anniversary I thought "Springy?" I said to the sleeping yellow bunny animatronic he groans "what is it my handsome fox?" He said
"Guess what it's our five year anniversary." I said he leaped up with a shocked yet happy face

Springtrap's POV
It's time I've been waiting for this day I thought "hey my fox I wanted to ask you if you wanna go out for dinner I wanna take you some where special." I said he looks happy and says "sure I'd love to."

Time skip

Me and foxy arrived at the restaurant and I held the door for him "such a gentleman." Said foxy I chuckled as we got shown to the table and sat down "hi there I am Dan and I will be your waiter today so what would you like?" Dan asked "I would like a 6oz stake medium rare and fries and a Coca Cola please." Foxy said "and for you sir?" He asked so I looked at the menu "can I have a chicken fillet with fries, mayonnaise and white wine please." I said then Dan nodded and walked off "so springy how much alcohol do you drink?" Foxy asked I chuckled "normally just a glass so how has your day been?"

Time skip again sorry

"Where are we going spring?" Foxy asked I smiled "we are here." I said

Foxy 's pov
I looked around and we are in the park it's so beautiful here "springy why did" I stop mid sentence and gasp as I see springy on one knee and holding an open black box with a ring inside "Foxy will you make me the happiest bunny in the world and marry me?" Spring said I started tearing up "yes of course springy I would love too!" I said as we hugged each other then all of a sudden we hear some clapping "congratulations guys." Red said and we smile "thanks Red." Spring said

A/n I hope you have enjoyed this chapter
and I hope to see you in the next one bye

Yugioh characters: bye!

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