Chapter 29: Happy Birthday...

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"Let her go!" Pilar shouted as Cruz smirked at her but didn't open the door to his office,

"I'm gonna kick your ass when this door opens!" Bloody shouts as I hear the sound of the gates being opened outside of the building as we turned to each other before rushing out,

We stood at the front gate of the prison seeing Landon being pulled of the truck as we all ran towards him when the officers took the cuffs off of him.

"Landon!" We all shouted as he looks at us confusedly,

"You gotta come now. That fucking asshole won't let Jezzabelle out of his office" Pilar says pulling his arm as his confused look dropped into an angry one,

"This way" She says as he stomped towards Cruz office,

"Oh look! The gorillas back!" Cruz shouts through the glass window of his office,

"You can't come in here gorilla, the doors sealed shut, so ha!" He says with a smirk before Landon kicked in the door,

"Oh shit" he says backing away from Landon as he pushed him aside looking around his office,

"You'll never find her" Cruz says laying on the floor with a chuckle before Landon stepped on his leg making him groan,

"Where is she jackass!?" I shouted punching him as he spits out his blood,

"I'll never talk!" He shouts before Landon picked him by his neck and gripped it as Cruz coughed trying to gasp for air,

"Where is she?" Bloody asks as Cruz pointed behind his desk at a door,

"Jezzabelle!" Pilar shouts banging on the steel door,

"Get me out of here! It smells like add and balls!" A very familiar voice shouts back as Pilar rolled her eyes with a chuckle before Landon threw her the key chain that was attached to Cruz pants and she opened the door using the silver large key,

"Jezzabelle!" Pilar shouts happily running into the room as Landon dropped a red faced Cruz before running to his girlfriend,

"Thank God you guys are here" Jezzabelle says as Pilar used the key to unlock the chains on her wrists,

"It really does smell like ass and balls in here" Pilar says as Jezzabelle laughs before noticing Landon,

"Baby! Your back!" She shouts happily wrapping her legs and arms around him as he laughs,

"Well this just got intimate quickly" Pilar says with a snicker as Jezzabelle turned and slapped her arm,

"Now that's all done, let's go eat. I'm starving" Jezzabelle says walking out like nothing happened,

"See yah later Blues Cruz" Pilar says as we passed by him trying to calm his breathing,

We walked to the cafeteria seeing no one one in there but Black Cindy and Taystee sitting at an empty table with food around them.

"I knew y'all bitches was coming!" Black Cindy says loudly getting up with a smile as we all looked at them awkwardly,

"What's with all this?" Jezzabelle asks confusedly before Scar face came out with a smile and a large chocolate cake with candles lit as we all looked at her confusedly,

"Your forgot your birthday already Jezzabelle?" Taystee asks with a smirk as Jezzabelles jaw dropped,

"Wait? It's January 9th today?" She asks as they nod before we all laughed,

"Happy 22nd birthday bitch" Black Cindy says handing her a large bag full of m&m's as Pilar laughed,

"How'd you guys know when my birthday was?" Jezzabelle asks sitting down at the table as we all sat around with her,

"Somebody informed us a while ago" Black Cindy says gesturing towards Pilar as she smirks,

"Hey! Your my Best friend, and I knew the only way to spend your birthday the right way was with the right people" Pilar says nodding at Black Cindy as she smiles,

"Woah what's all this though?" Jezzabelle asks looking around the table as Balck Cindy smiles,

"Pilar told me all your favorite foods, and I hooked up all the people I have through my connects and I got all of em" She replies as we all looked at the food in awe,

There was plates full of chinese food, fried chicken, pork chops, ham, pizza, hot dogs, burgers, and tacos. In the middle of the table in front of Jezzabelle was the giant cake Scar face made for her with the words Happy birthday on top of if with 22 candles around it.

"Before we eat, let's sing our girl here a happy birthday first" Scar face says as we all nodded with a chuckle as Jezzabelle cuddled up to her boyfriend who was looking down at her as if she was the only thing that mattered in the world to him,

"Happy birthday to you" We all sang as Jezzabelle smiled at us,

"Happy birthday to Jezzabelle" We sang finishing the song already as she laughs,

"Happy birthday to you" We say before clapping when she blew out the candles,

"What did you wish for?" Pilar asks with a smirk as Jezzabelle laughed,

"If I told you, it wouldn't come true now would it?" Jezzabelle asks with a laugh as Pilar rolled her eyes before laughing,

We all started eating the food around us happily laughing and joking around with each other as I sat there noticing how much of a resemblance there people were to my family I have outside of this fucking hellhole. Before I was thrown in here my family and I were all friendly and close until that one thing happened and I was thrown in here. I could've had a happy family with my baby but now I can't. And that's what hurts me the most living in here.

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