one: promotions

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one: promotions

"Haha, ok, I imagined some dragons, now what" – tumblr user flapwagon


holland's blog entry for the day

Maybe I shouldn't have made a Tumblr account.

Well for starters, I have made more friends on that site than in real life, and if that is not sad and pathetic, then I don't know what is. Second, I spend too much time getting to know HTML coding than actually getting to know Shakespeare (which reminds me of my homework that I ironically haven't done yet due to my excessive use of Tumblr). Third, my standards are now set pretty high when it comes to guys. But you can't blame me because Tumblr has some of the hottest people around.

It's not like I don't have any other passion besides Tumblr. I do like to eat, sleep and write, and I guess those actually count.

But Tumblr is like this little hub with amazing people, some just right across your house, and some that actually live across your side of the Earth! It's a place where you can rant all you want and no one would actually give a shit. It's a place where you can find other fangirls and just go all "OHMYGOD JENNIFER LAWRENCE, I CAN'T EVEN".

If you're saying that Tumblr is boring and overall unsatisfying, frankly, I will just slap you in the face.

Because you deserve it.

- holland


I am aware that I, Holland Arden, am horribly anti-social.

But when it comes to the internet, I am seriously the coolest kid around. I mean, I go by the name Holly (because Holland is nice and all, but Holly is cute too), I actually get to fangirl shamelessly, and oh — I actually get to compliment cute boys (anonymously).

But that does not change the fact that I am outrageously anti-social.

What can I say? I'm just cooler on the internet.

It would be nice if you can just introduce yourself on the first day of school as 'HarryPotter4Ever911' and just tell everyone that no — you do not do follow-backs, and yes — if you seem interesting enough, I will check your blog.

Wouldn't things be less complicated? If everyone just stated their FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) then wouldn't you have less people to piss off and more people to talk to? But unfortunately, reality doesn't go on that way. This is why I absolutely detest having to introduce myself during the first day of classes — which, by the way — was happening right now.

"Miss Arden?"

I turned to look at Mrs. Prior's face and I couldn't help but wonder if she had a daughter named Beatrice. I shot her a shy smile. Her lips, painted blood red, stretched wide as she smiled back. "Please, introduce yourself," she said, her voice oozing sweet honey. She sounded like a preschool teacher talking to a four year old.

The rest of the class looked at me expectantly, although some just dropped their heads on their desks and fell asleep. I smoothed down the floral printed dress I was wearing and stood up from my seat, not knowing what to say. I guess I could just tell 'em the basics and once again have no one interested in me. It's better this way anyway. It's better to just stay out of sight.

"Hi," I began, my voice slightly quivering, "I'm Holland. Holland Arden. But you guys obviously know that. We've known each other for two years now. This'll be the third."

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