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Its been 5 years. and I miss Hoseok so much. I don't know why im like this again.

I went outside to take a stroll and looked at a couple with their child and eating ice cream happily.

I sat down on a nearby bench and
thought about our memories together
about hoseok and me together.

But not I saw someone familiar.

it was Hoseok

He is holding a child in his hand.
with a woman beside her.
He must've recognized me.

He waved at me.
He walked closer and closer.

I stood up and held the child into my arms.

"How was school my daughter?", I asked

"It was great! dad and grandmother was there!",my daughter answered

"Mom! I thought you went to the market?!", I asked my mother

"Yes I did and after that I visited your daughter in school",My mom answered

"Yah jagiya, lets go home i'll cook chicken",Hoseok joined the conversation and pecked my lips

"Ew",my daughter Jung Hori said and covered her eyes.

We all laughed and walked home together.

He Is My angel. The love of my life.

He is my Hope, my Happiness.


My Hope, My Happiness : jhsWhere stories live. Discover now