My Terrifying Reality

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Your sitting on the cold hard stone floor, in the dark. You hear the slow drip of water in the distance as the cold wind howls through the bared, broken window.

It's a stormy night, so you try to take refuge in the straw that they provided you as a bed. Your ankle chained to the wall so you can't move further then a 10 foot radius.

You have been here for what felt like months. The days blended together as there was never sunlight in your prison.

The collar they provided you on your arrival caused your neck to itch. You learned quickly not to pull or try to remove it, as you watched another slave die in a horrific explosion.

Your lucky enough that the let you keep your clothes. A simple tank top and pair of jeans with boots. They provided you with a red blanket that was thin and holy.

You huddled into the corner with the blanket wrapped tightly around your shoulders. You pull your legs into your body to try and keep warm.

You hear a door creak open and voices growing louder as they move towards you.

"You just had to have another one didn't you!"

"She was to irresistible to pass up! Did you see her eyes?"

"Yes, so what if she has pretty eyes? Your still gross Steven!"

You hear the clanking of keys and the snap of the door being unlocked, as an all to familiar and bone chilling laugh fills your ears. The two Nobles come into view and stop right in front of you.

The man leans down to your level and grips your chin hard, forcing your face up to his.

"Hello little girl! I think I'll call you Ayame!"

"What's wrong with the one I have?" You spew as you jerk your face from his grip.

He reaches back and slaps you across the face as hard as he can, slamming your head into the wall. Your vision starts to blur as your eyes fill with tears, and your head pounds. Blood trickles down the right side of your face and drips onto your pants, staining them.

"I own you, and I will name you what I want to!"

The female that accompanied him bursts into laughter as you bring your hands to your head and cry.

"Casey, help me with her!"

She stops laughing and frowns. "Why should I?"

"Next time we go to auction I'll buy you a new slave!"

She smirks "Fine, but I don't get a price limit!"

He nods and lifts you off the floor. Casey goes over and unlocks the shackle from your ankle, letting it drop to the floor with a loud bang.

"There, that's all the help your getting from me! I don't dirty my hands with slave trash, you know that!"

He rolls his eyes, and that's when you pass out.

You wake about 20 minutes later, strapped to a bed... naked. Your alone in the room, but not being able to move has you extremely scared.

When the door to your left opens you snap your head in that direction to see Saint Steven followed by three slaves crawling on their hands and knees behind him.

You watch him intently as he saunters over to a large fire place, where a fire is roaring.

"Hold her face down!" He commands.

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