Meeting Family

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Jeorge woke up wrapped in sheets, sticky with sweat. The first thing on his mind was hotdog buns. Just thinking about it made him ravenous; he almost thought he would completely flip out and start throwing things. Then it occurred to his that is what had happened yesterday. Oh no, he thought. Mayonnaise will never go on a second date with me now. He threw back his head on let out a dramatic velociraptor screech in dismay.

 He rolled out of his bed looking around his cell, the cool metal of the floor numbing his total of thirteen toes. Thirteen, the unlucky number maybe thats why bad things keep on happening to him. He stands there and admires his enormous beer belly, before an officer arrives. He agrees to let Jeorge out in exchange for some pocket change. Jeorge is shocked by the high price he has to pay, but eventually he agrees to his offer. 

Stepping out of the building, Jeorge is momentarily blinded by the bright sunlight. He thinks about taking an uber home, but decides to run after seeing the sketchy looking man starring at him. Running as fast as he can Jeorge takes off. The man sees this and starts chasing after him. After a few blocks, rounding a corner, he risks a look back. Nothing. The man is gone. Looking behind him, rather than where he is going, he giggles to himself, proud of his rather skillful getaway. First the police and now this, it must be his lucky day. 

"Oof," he groans in pain, running into something tall and hard,"damn pole."

Jeorge looks up to see that it is in fact not a pole he has strolled into, it is the man who was chasing after him. The man has his long beard wrapped around him, in place of clothes. He has bloodshot eyes, and a saggy face. Fear is gluing Jeorge to the ground, he can't move.

"All I wanted to say was that you have a piece of toilet paper hanging out of the back of your pants." The man rumbles 

"Thanks for telling me bro." Jeorge says whilst ripping the paper from his behind."So what's your name? Mine is Jeorge, with a J."

"Fefn" he says slowly.

Fefn and Jeorge chat for some time waiting for Jeorge's newly ordered uber to arrive. At some point in their conversation Fefn mentions that he is married and has a daughter who lives nearby. Jeorge asks what their names are, and is answered with, Judy and Mayonnaise. Fefn proceeds to tell him that Mayonnaise is currently in the Red Cross Minions Hospital, because of some "Jeorge, with a J guy."

"Wait a minute." Fefn says, squinting at Jeorge,"It's you!" He bellows.

" Uh what, me no, I-i-it couldn't be." he laughs nervously 

Fefn releases an agitated noise, pulling out an axe out of his back pocket. He starts swinging wildly around him, a menacing, empty look in his eyes. Jeorge keeps dodging blows, until he is trapped against the wall. In the last moment something saves him. It's the uber guy, running over the axe lunatic with his car.

"Get in, quick!" the driver shouts 

As they drive off Jeorge looks back through the window, to see Fefn slowly raising himself of the ground, brushing himself of and shooting him a dark look. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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