Alors choisissez moi

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(_reddies-ess this is 4 u)

OK... Le voilà. Votre choix, c'est simple lui ou moi. Et je ne saispas qu'elle est vraiment génial. Mais, je t'aime. Dans un veutvraiment, vraiment gros comme vos goûts musicaux, vouspermettent de manger le dernier morceau de gâteau, tenir uneradio au-dessus de ma tête à l'extérieur de votre fenêtre, façonregrettable qui me fait te hais, t'aime. Alors choisissez moi,choisissez moi, aime-moi. 

We will never see each other again.

Richie walked down the crowded street in front of his favorite Starbucks, having just picked up his classic mocha on his way home. The old apartment building sat in eyes view, but he walked the other way. He did live there anymore. He stood on a street corner, waiting for the cars to allow him to cross. He saw someone on the other side of the street that looked familiar, but he shook it off. When you live in one place for 12 years you start to think you know everyone. But that face made a feeling rise in the pit of his stomach. When he crossed the street, the feeling was gone. Along with the face.
He continued on his way to his little house, jumping on a bus. He saw the face again, this person was clearly just haunting him. He wasn't really familiar in any way. There was just something about the face he just couldn't shake. Maybe it was the messy hair, or the soft warn eyes, or the freckles- the bus got to his stop. He got off the bus and walked towards his house again. And he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned.
There was that face, the hand that belonged to the face on his shoulder. A half scared half excited half unreadable expression sat on the face. Richie tried to rack his brain. Who was this guy? "Sorry. I thought you were someone else man." A deep voice laughed before wandering off in the other direction. Richie turned back towards his house.
"Rich?" His heart stopped as he saw who was in front of him. It had been 12 years of living in Seattle, and those two hadnt seen each other at all that whole time.
"Eds?" Richie squeaked back. Eddie half winced at the nickname. He was dressed the same way he dressed when they were kids, a nostalgic feeling raising in his stomach. The only difference way he had swapped out the shorts for jeans. And he looked, amazing.
"You look exactly the same. If I didnt know better If say that's the same denim jacket." Eddie laughed. His voice wasn't as squeaky as it used to be. It wasn't deep, but it sounded different. Less wheezy and confused all the time, more collected.
"You obviously shouldn't know better, it is the same jacket. Don't fix what ain't broke right? Why would I get a new style if my old one was already perfect?" Richie laughed.
"You stopped messing with your hair as much, its less loose curls and more ringlets. It suits you." Eddie smiled. "And I mean, your style changed a little. I don't think middle school you would wear ripped jeans, he was pretty set on always wearing those strange long shorts. You look nice now."
"I didn't look nice before?" Richie asked, half joking. Eddie shook his head, giggling slightly.
"That's not what I meant! You know that isn't what I mean." He giggled. Richie's heart skipped at the sight of the boy he used to love so happy. "You live in a house now? No apartment?" Eddie asked.
"Well, I got ripe with old age and had to settle down." Richie smiled, he started walking towards his house with Eddie next to him. An unspoken invitation agreed upon by the two without even breaking conversation. Eddie raised an eyebrow.
"You got married? Who was crazy enough to marry you! I gotta meet them." Eddie insisted. Richie griminced.
"His name was Kyle." Richie smiled weakly.
"Was? What he changed his name?" Eddie laughed as they grew closer to the house.
"He died 4 years ago." Richie breathed. "Almost exactly 5, he died on our anniversary. Its in a month." He glanced at Eddie.
"Oh Richie, I'm so sorry. I was being insensitive." Eddie apologized, placing his hand on Richie's back. "I'm glad you found someone to love though." He smiled.
"I had already had someone to love. I found someone to love twice." Richie laughed. Eddie didn't laugh along. He paused.
"Y'know. I think I should be getting back home. I'm not visiting alone and I'd hate to keep Theo waiting." He laughed.
"Oh c'mon, you should come inside for a little bit. I mean what could be so important that you can't spare a moment of your vacation to Seattle." Richie smiled.
"Well, it is sort of an important day. That is why I'm here after all." Eddie stayed standing in the driveway of the cute home.
"What could be so important that you can't catch up a little?" Richie asked. Eddie sighed.
"My anniversary, this trip is for my anniversary Rich." Eddie frowned. Richie scratched the back of his neck anxiously.
"Oh, well you should get back then. Try to spare a few minutes to catch up with me while you're here though. How longs the trip?" Richie asked, trying not to push the invisible boundary that had suddenly been throw into place.
"9 days. I'll try to get away for a few moments of catching up Rich. But I should go for now." Eddie smiled, waving before walking back to the bus stop.

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