Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV

I was still - we were still touring all around the world with my precious baby girl. The name's final- Lyla Ann Marshall. Her birthday is June 18, same as Jack! Luke and I aren't married so her surname wouldn't be Hemmings. Yes, I'm still in love with Luke and that didn't changed.

My baby is 2 years old, she has blue eyes like Luke and her hair is mixed up with blonde and brunette which is wavy. She has my skin tone but mostly she's like a mini-Luke.

The lads had seen her before. They'd call or Skype even face time just to see Lyla. If you're wondering where the Ann came from, well ask the 1D lads. They said it would be great if I'll name it after Harry's mom. But they were great.

We met 1D before 5SOS open act for them for their TMH tour. Cool? I know. They don't know who's the father because they never brought the topic. But they kept on saying- she's a mini-Luke. Brittany and Luke broke up before TMH tour. I duno what the main reason is but I guess their relationship isn't working out.

Now more about Lyla, she likes Penguins, just like her father. Her favorite color is green, her favorite food is pizza, don't ask where she'd learn eating, it's because of Mikey. Her favorite cartoon is Spongebob. She also likes One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer and All Time Low, Typical.

She calls Ashton, Ashy. Calum, Cawum. Michael, Wikey and Finn, Fwinn. She also met Luke already, but that happened once. She called him, daddy. I was scared and the lads even looked at me worriedly that time.

She calls Niall, Wiall. Harry, Rarry. Zayn, Nayn. Liam, Wiam and Louis, boobear. Her favorite is Ash and Louis.

If you're wondering why Lyla called Luke 'daddy' because she was insisting me to show a picture then I showed her the picture of me and Luke.

Now  we are now in the tour bus. Finn playing with Lyla at the lounge. Me making foods. We even hired a nanny for her. So when we perform she stays with her nanny at backstage. The nanny's name is Anna, they get along pretty well. As I finished making the food-

"Finn?  Lyla? Food's ready!" I called.

Then I saw Lyla running and screaming because Finn's chasing her. Until he caught her and she laughed- "Mummy! Uncle Fwinn won't put me down." she said.

"Finn, put her down." I said as he did. I gave Finn his food and I fed Lyla with her favorite baby food- carrots and potatoes. She learn eating it from Lou and Niall.

We were all eating silently until my phone rang. I saw Calum wants to face time. I answered it and gave it to Lyla.

"Cawum!" she squealed.

"Hi Lyla, where's mummy?" he asked.

"Mummy." she said, lending me my phone.

"What now Cal?" I asked.

"I know you're in Aussie and we're in London. I was wondering if we could meet up when you go back here?" Cal pleaded.

"Yeah sure. The tour will end in 2 days and we'll be flying there." I smiled.

"Hey is that-" Ash asked from the background. "Yeah." Cal nod.

"Sky poo!" Ashton squealed.

"Ashy poo!" I squealed back, giggling but Lyla snatched the phone from me. I just laughed and fed her.

"Ashy!" she said.

"Lyla- hey how are you?"

"I'm fwine. Where's wikey?" she asked.

"Wikey's sleeping." Cal said. I was just watching them still feeding Lyla.

"What about daddy?" she asked.

Ash and Cal looked at each other, "Dadd?" they asked, "Taking a shower."

"I think its best if you guys rest now." I said.

"Okay, see you guys 3 in 2 days. Goodnight. We love you all." they both exclaimed as Ash giving us flying kiss.

"Wuv you Ashy, wuv you Cawum." Lyla said as she dropped the phone down at the couch and I end up the face time.


We are now back in London to record songs. We are staying at a hotel which was good, rather than tour bus. I texted Calum where we are. I even told him what hotel are we staing at. As soon as we entered our hotel room, Lyla sat down on the couch opening the tv and putting it on nickelodeon because it's already  Spongebob. I put our bags down. Finn texting- I forgot to mention- he's dating Demi Lovato. It's cool- Demi's a kind girl, so I approve.

Dad? *sighs* He saw Lyla for her 1st birthday but then the next day- he didn't wake up. I miss him- Lyla doesn't remember what her grandad looks like  but I kept showing her pictures. Mom has seen Lyla a lot of times before. She'd always ask me who's the father but I always drop the topic.

My thoughts were always distracted by the knock on the door. I opened and saw the 3 lads- I smiled and let them enter. Lastly, the guy I wanted to see at the same time I don't.


A/N: Hey guys I updated the first chapter of the sequel! Yes! Hahaha so tell me what you think okay? Positive? Negative? I am really happy if you tell me what you really think of my story. So yeah this is all I could give you so far- I will update tomorrow but I can't make any promises okay?

You guys could read my Michael fan fic it's on my profile just check it out :) And I am making a new fan fic for Calum :)

Don't forget to vote, comment and share :) And if you wanna talk to me message me here- don't worry I won't bite haha :)

GHOST READERS: Please vote comment or add this to your reading lists :) Thank you that's all :) And love yous! Thanks for the reads that you gave me :)

-N xx

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