✨024 - REAL LIFE✨

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Emma was sat in the warmth of her own home, wrapped in a massive blanket watching the best TV show aka the vampire diaries when she heard a vigorous knocking at her front door.

"Coming", Emma shouted.

As she opens the door, she is met by KJ who seemed nervous and fidgety.

"Hey", his eyes looking anywhere but the petite girl in front of him.

"Hi, what are you doing here?", she asked curiously.

Finally his eyes became fixed on her confused ones.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something, if that's okay", scratching the back of his neck he gazed down at the floor before looking up towards her again.

"Yeah sure, come in" Emma opened the door further allowing him to slowly walk into her and her brothers apartment.

They walk into Emma's living room, each step they take increases the red heads nerves, would he be able to tell Emma how he really feels?

As they sit down on Emma's couch, she turns to KJ who avoids any eye contact with the girl before him

"So what's up?", she asked.

"Woah, erm...this is a lot harder to say then I thought", he rubbed his clammy hands on his pants.

"What is it, you're making me nervous", she nervously chuckled.

"Erm...obviously we've been getting to know each other for a couple months now...and I don't know...I was just wondering where you stand in all this because, you know, I've already told you that I like you more than a friend", his eyes glued to the floor whilst he anxiously fiddled with this hands.

"Wow". It wasn't a lie that Emma did know of KJ's feelings for her he had made it obvious through words and actions but maybe the signals she was giving him weren't as clear as she thought. Of course she liked KJ, she was just too scared to bring up the conversation of a relationship in case it wasn't something he wanted.

"Yeah I mean...I only came here to ask you how you felt but I know that it's a lot of pressure...so I don't expect you to say anything...I mean you can if you want...this is stupid I should just go", he gets up to leave her apartment when he is suddenly pulled back onto the sofa.

"What are you..."

He was then cut off by Emma smashing her lips onto KJ's leaving the young boy speechless and unresponsive, he quickly responded by melting into the kiss, pouring all of his unspoken feelings into it.

"Wow", was KJ's only response as they pull away from their awaited moment.

"Yeah...wow", she smiled.

"Why did you kiss me?", he wasn't complaining, he had wanted to do it for sometime now but he couldn't comprehend that his feelings for her were being returned.

"You wouldn't shut up", Emma laughed.

"And I just really wanted to kiss you" Emma added.

"I'm okay with that", he smiled at her.

"That's good then", her nervous chuckle brought the boy out of his daze.

"I actually wanted to ask you something else"

"Fire away Keneti", she laughed lightly.

"Will you...Emma Isabelle Donovan...be my girlfriend?", he asked grabbing her hands softly.

"Of course I will...Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa"

"Urgh please don't use my full name", he cringed falling back onto the sofa.

"It's cute, I like it", Emma smiled looking down at KJ.

"It's a good job I like you"

"Yeah it is good", she giggled.

I feel like I'm terrible at writing real life stuff so I'm not sure whether to do more or not, let me know what you all think I should do❤️

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