Chapter 3

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Being able to hurt someone and take someone's past life, takes away a part of your sanity. Leaving you with a heavy heart you tug around, dragging you, making things more difficult. All I really want to do with my life, is to be like them. Those children who experiences what life really is. Who gets to run around, experience different emotions, have their family to guide and support them... to know what love is. I really do just... want to break free! To be released from this, this, THIS! I dont want to take life! Don't I deserve a life like them? Don't I?

I gently touch my cheeks, checking. Its wet. Like the ocean sprayed me with its salty water. I wipe them away. I can't go on like this, I can't keep bringing myself down.

I need someone there for me. Ever since that accident, it just, broke me. Tore my soul and sanity apart, leaving pieces scattered. No one there to mend them. I'll always be a reaper, and I'll always be alone. No matter what. Just accept it.

Cover your sadness with what people desire most, a big smile. I immediately plaster my face with one of the ridiculous smiles people put up when having their pictures taken. I may look like a complete idiot, but its better this way. I pat Ash's head for a bit comfort, and Ash stares at me. Just stares. Maybe she's confused. Maybe she's pitying me. Or maybe she might be telling me to get it together.

I crouch down to the oak floor, and hug my knees to my chest, slowly breathing in and out. I close my eyes and imagine, somebody, slowly muttering comforting words to me, chasing away the devils that lurk and whisper in my ears.

"You are not alone"

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