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I am extremely annoying and I apologise for that, BUT.... I would really like to know IF people are still reading/enjoying this book. I would be more than happy to continue writing it if people genuinely wanted to read it (I get notifs often to tell me people have added it to their reading lists, but that doesn't necessarily mean they read/ have any intention of reading it). But if people have grown bored/tired of this story, or of me and my absolutely horrific ability to update this story regularly (again, sorry! I'm currently trying to study for my upcoming exams so I can go to college, so uploading is kind of hard, and especially so when I'm not even sure if what I'm writing is reaching an audience). If you are reading the book and would like me to continue to update it (I vow to upload more regularly!) then please let me know, by leaving a comment, a vote or sending me a message- anything to let me know that you'd like me to update! I do not see any point in continuing this book if no one is interested (which I know is like, one hundred percent my fault, don't worry), and if that is the case, I would love to begin a new story for you to read.

Please let me know of any of your thoughts, opinions or critiques! I'm all ears.

Thank you all so much for your patience and support on the story as it stands, 

Love always, heartshapedlungs.  

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