Chapter 41

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*I'm really sorry for not updating my story for so long because of school & my busy schedule but I will still updated it if someone requested or I have time to spare.

Omma : How about we discuss the answer of the questions rather than wait for Hoya . Is it alright , Hoya ?

Hoya : Is alright

Omma: Ok , Eunji please right the answer on the board please

Eunji : Sure

Omma : Thank you . Naeun , you're next

Naeun : But the answer might be wrong

Omma: Is okay , we all are learning , right ?

All : Yeah

Naeun : Ok , I try

Omma : That is the sprit

Eunji : Naeun , fighting !!

Naeun : Eunji , please help if I'm wrong

Eunji : No problem

Eunji POV

I was actually really tired when we about to discuss the answer for the maths paper that my omma give but I try to look awake so that nobody realise that I was tired not even my omma.

But after this is not the end yet , we still need to learn about Korean History because tomorrow we also have Korean History test . My grade for Korean History last time were average but still my omma didn't satisfy with my grades.

That's why I need to go all out with my Korean History for this test .

Omma : Is it correct , class ?

Eunji : Yes!!

Omma : How about you two ? Do you think is correct or not ?

Both : It is correct

Omma : Why do you think is correct ?

Both : .............................

Eunji : Because she use....................

Omma : Eunji , keep quiet . Let them explain it why they say it was correct

Dongwoo : Because she use the correct method , I think ?

Omma : That is correct , Dongwoo . Hoya , how about you ?

Hoya : Huh? I don't know

Omma : Then , why you say is correct ?

Hoya : I just follow what Dongwoo say , that's all ?

Omma : Why are following him ?

Hoya : Because I don't have any idea what was Naeun writing on the board

Omma : Hmmmm ( to Hoya ) . Actually , it is because Naeun use the fastest method but still didn't lose any mark . This kind of method is really ideal when you doing the test tomorrow .

Naeun : Without Eunji help I wouldn't know this method at all . Thank you , Eunji.

Eunji : You are truly welcome , Naeun . Please use this method when you answer this kind of questions , okay ?

Naeun : Okay

Eunji : 😄

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