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Errors pov
I was pacing around the void because there wasn't really much else to do besides go inside my 'house' that was pretty much falling apart at this point. Was I still curious about what happened to ink? Yes. Yes i was. I tried not to think about it too much but that was kind of hard. The answer i was going to hope was that she had partied to hard or something... Wait a second why do I care!?! I hate ink...right? Jesus. Oh also I had recently been invited to this stupid party and decided not to go. I would probably mess something up and some one would call me out for it. Anyways I planned on finding ink and asking her about what happened again. I don't know why she won't just  tell me. I opened a portal and jumped through. It brought me to an Au so ink would probably sense my presence here and come after me thinking I wanted to destroy the Au's. I do but that's not what im here to do.

Inks pov
I was about to get up and walk around when I sensed errors presence in an au. 'Great...' I thought to myself. I opened a portal to that Au and sure enough found error waiting for me there. "Okay what do you want?" I asked expecting him to say what he always said 'to destroy the glitches' but I was actually kind of shocked when he said "To get answers from you"  I think he could tell I was shocked so he continued going
"you and I both know what i mean.. Why were you in that alley?" shit. "Well um I was.. Roleplaying?" I tried to lie my way out of it but that seemed to make him angry. "Liar....tell me the truth" "Why do you care anyway?" I asked after he spoke "ink if i knew why I cared i would have killed you by Now" "eh good point.. Well. I um.... I" i said in a tiny voice "...... Alright then...... Good to know" I turned around to ask him something but he was already gone... That's strange.. Usually i would have heard him leave Ugh why did i tell him!?!? Im such an idiot.. But... why did it feel like he was the right person to tell? I don't know...

Human! error x human female! ink ⚠ Bad stuff ⚠Where stories live. Discover now