Chapter 1 Have some fun for once

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"Just because ONE very well-known vampire was allergic to garlic and had an extreme case of albinism on a hot day does NOT mean that these 'weaknesses' apply to EVERY vampire!"

As you can see I love prompts from Tumblr, this one had Solangelo written all over it so here we are!

Please do me a favour and don't compare this to Twilight.

Will is a pretty opened minded person, he accepted most things in life and tried his best to understand whatever came his way; but if you had told him that those stories of monsters and things that go bump in the night were real then he would have given you a kind smile and walked away after wishing you a good day. He didn't mean to be so skeptical but all that fantasy stuff was meant for fairy tales and videogames or movies and cartoons, to say that the boogieman was real or that the dead could rise was just ridiculous.

So imagine his utter shock when he lands right in the middle of one of those fairy tales.


Will led a normal life; he went to school, worked part time, and helped around the house. He called it normal but most people would call it boring, his friends included. They were always telling Will that he needed more in his life, that he was missing out on what life had to offer because he was always doing what was expected of him and always playing it safe.

"Come on man, you need to learn to live life to its fullest!" Cecil said to him as they sat in Will's dorm room, Cecil had come over claiming to be on a mission to save Will from himself seeing as how he was his best friend.

Will rolled his eyes as he went back to focusing on his textbook, he knew that Cecil meant well but he really needed to study for midterms right now.

But of course Cecil would not be ignored. "Seriously Will, you study so much that your head is going to overload with all that information and shutdown like an over-heated computer."

Will still didn't look up from his book but responded to his friend none the less. "Thank you for your concern Cecil but I really need to know this for the exam. Maybe we can get together after midterms and do something then." He didn't want to brush his friend off; he just needed to concentrate right now.

Cecil flopped down on Will's bed and reached over and grabbed his pillow and lobbed it at the side of Will's head.

"Hey! What the hell Cecil?" Will picked up the pillow and threw it back onto the bed next to his friend "What are you five? If I don't pay attention or play with you you're going to throw a tantrum, or my bedding?" he looked at his friend with a raised brow but Cecil was trying his best to look innocent and was skimming through one of the books Will's sister had lent him that sat on the nightstand.

Cecil looked up at him like he had just noticed Will talking to him. "Oh sorry what? I was reading, did you say something?" he asked sweetly, and Will resisted the urge to groan.

"You should really work on your acting skills you know that?" he sighed and turned back to his textbook again.

"I didn't know you were into vampires and the like, when did you get these books?" Cecil asked as he flipped through the book he still had in his hands.

"I didn't, Kayla leant them to me because she really liked them but I haven't had the time to get around to reading them yet."

Cecil put the book back down on the nightstand. "Ah that makes sense." He laid back on the bed and let out an exaggerated sigh, despite needing to improve on his acting skills Cecil was probably one of the most dramatic people Will knew, though sometimes he wondered how they had become such good friends in the first place.

Knowing he wasn't going to get anymore studying done so long as his friend was present Will closed his textbook with the sheet he had been writing out important points on as the bookmark, and turned in his seat to face his ever dramatic friend. "Okay Cecil, you win. So what do you plan to do to 'save me from myself' exactly?"

As if his words had been electrically charged Cecil jumped to his feet like he had been shocked. "You mean it?" he asked happily and Will let out another sigh at his friends antics.

"Yeah Cecil, I mean it. So what are we going to do then?" Will was really hoping he wouldn't regret his decision to give in when he saw the mischievous light that twinkled in his friend's eyes.


Will cut him off immediately. "It can't be anything illegal." he said holding his hands up as if to ward off anything crazy that might be going through Cecil's mind.

"Relax Will, it's completely legal. I was just going to suggest we go to a club or bar so that you could lighten up and relax, you're always so stressed."

Well he wasn't wrong but still bars and clubs have never really appealed to Will, Cecil on the other hand loved them.

Will locked eyes with his friend. "You aren't just roping me along so that you have a DD are you?" Will asked suspiciously but Cecil shook his head.

"Nope, the place I had in mind isn't that far from here and I don't plan on getting drunk, just want to have fun. You know fun, that thing that seems to be missing from your life? We can shoot pool or something while we're there."

Will ignored the comment about fun being missing from his life. "As long as you aren't planning on hustling anyone, remember nothing illegal."

Again Cecil tried to look innocent. "Oh come now, would I do something like that?"

Will just gave him a drawl stare and deadpanned "Yes."

Cecil rolled his eyes. "Fine cross my heart." He made the motion of crossing his heart, something that he and Will had done since they were children and wanted to prove that they meant to keep their word.

"Good now I'll believe you." Will said as he went to grab his jacket and shoes so that they could go. "Alright let's get going then." Will said while sending out a silent prayer that this wasn't a mistake or that he'd regret this later.

Cecil followed him out of the dorm room and after locking the door they head out.

Please let me know what you think, as you can see this is a collage AU Will is mortal and Nico will be a vampire. I'm not a fan of Twilight so please don't compare it to that, though I am a fan of vampires in general and do support human/ vampire relationships and hope to make this a great one.

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