CH 14

288 9 3

Sami pov


Why me....

Why does it have to be me,I'm not ready to become a mother. I can't do this I'm having second thoughts right now. Should I keep the child? I can't do this on my own......can I?  why does it have to be me?

Sami was laying in bed and all she could think of is what she was going to do, what was her next plan.

"Sami",Makayla walked in her room worried for her friend.
"SAMI"! Makayla yelled and still didn't get an answer. makayla sat on the end of the bed looking at Sami, she didn't know what to say ,how to help or anything .She's  never been in this situation before but she knew she was going to be by Sami sat side no matter what.

"Sami I'm worried about you, you only come out of your room to eat and take a shower. You haven't gone to work all week you haven't even walked out side.......Sami I don't think this is healthy, your pregnant you need to get up and do something go take a walk or something sami. Being in this room isn't going to fix anything.

"I want an abortion."


Thanks for reading ❤❤

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