Concert Craziness

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I went to a kpop concert a couple of months ago and the was the dream that happened the night after the concert.

We had just gotten back the Monsta X concert and we noticed that there was a whole lot more security than there had been earlier in the day but we just shrugged it off. After talking about the concert, me and my friends, decided to go relax out by the pool. We got to the pool and were just messing around listening to some kpop. I was showing Tho and Allie the new dances I had learned and we were having a great time. All of a sudden we heard a knock on the pool gate. We all looked at each other, a tad confused, but I got up to open up the pool gate. When I opened it all I could do was stand astonished because in front of me was CL and the group Blackpink. Allie and Tho were just as astonished as I was when I let them through the pool gate. After our initial reaction of astonishment had subsided, we were in for another shock. We could now, somehow, understand and talk in Korean perfectly. We had gone from from knowing little to no Korean to talking and understanding the language like were born and raised in Korea. When we had finally got over that shocking tidbit of information, we relaxed around the group and had a whole lot of fun. After maybe an hour another knock was heard on the pool gate and so I went to go see who was at the gate. I was astounded when I opened up the gate and saw that the group, Vixx was standing right outside. I let them in and the party became even crazier. Vixx's song, Shangri-la, came on and I pulled Allie and Tho up, handed them fan and told them to dance with me because it was one of my favorite songs and dances. We performed it flawlessly and Vixx was astounded because we didn't mess once. After answering all there questions, we all went back to partying. After an hour, I heard another knock on the gate and went to see who was there. I was astounded to see all the members of Monsta X except for Hyungwon. Me and my friends were utterly astonished and internally fangirling very hard because we had just gone to see them in concert and know they were standing in the hotel pool area talking with the others. How was it possible that out of all the hotels in San Francisco, they chose to stay at the one where we were staying. This also made the extra security we saw make a whole lot more sense. We finally got over our shock and went back to the party.After a while we were starting to get hungry and were thinking about going to go get some food, when like magic a banquet table filled with food just appeared. After the food table showed up we heard another knock at the gate and as usual, I went to go answer it. I opened the gate and there in front of me was the group, EXO. By now with all the groups that kept showing up I was just a bit surprised but I was also worried that the pool area was to small to accommodate all of the people at our small hangout turned party. I turned around after letting all of them in and was surprised to see that the pool area had some how expanded to accommodate everybody. Soon the party was in full swing and soon someone had the great idea to have a dance battle. Soon the only ones left were me and Kai. After a few more songs, I came out as the victor of the dance battle and almost everybody was astounded. Kai felt a bit embarrassed because he had been skeptical about my dance moves at the beginning but now he saw how good I was. We all went back to partying and pretty soon we heard another knock on the pool gate. When I opened the gate I was surprised to see the group Seventeen standing in front of me. I let them in and soon the party was back in full swing. Later we heard another knock at the pool gate and I opened it to see the groups Astro and SHINee. Allie was seriously fangirling over SHINee since they were her first group to ever stan and I was internally fangirling because my favorite of the group, Taemin, was here. Kai had a "great idea" and told Taemin that I had beat him in a dance off and that we should both go against each other.  We didn't want to do the dance off but everyone started chanting "DO IT!" over and over again so we finally gave in. Twenty songs later, we finally had a winner. Taemin won and I got second, everyone felt bad for me but I was glad that I got second because that meant that I had room to improve my skills. After the dance off, we got back to partying and suddenly we heard another knock on the pool gate. I was usually the one to open the gate but Allie was closer so she opened it. When she opened it, all she could do was stand there and gasp. I went over to see what had made her gasp. In front of us was Chae Hyungwon, the missing member of Monsta X. He was injured so he couldn't participate in the concert but here he was standing in front of us like nothing had ever happened to him and like he was never injured. I was shocked. I had heard that he was injured and couldn't perform at the concert which made me very sad. Yet here he was standing in front of me like he was never injured, I was very shocked. I let him in and when the rest of Monsta X saw him, they too were in shock but soon were very happy. Everyone was now back to partying and I was having fun dancing. I got tired after a bit and decided to sit down at a table with Allie and we talked and ate food for a while. All of a sudden, Allie got up and left the table. I soon found out why when I turned around in my seat. Hyungwon was standing behind me. He wanted to talk, so we did. We talked for what felt like hours and throughout our conversation we were joined by Leo from Vixx and Daesung from Big Bang. Evidently while me and Hyungwon ad been talking Big Bang knocked on the pool gate and Allie let them in. Eventually after a couple more hours, the party came to an end and the groups were saying goodbye to us and gave us some presents as they were leaving. All the groups gave us some albums. Some gave us concert tickets, V.I.P, reusable, and we could use them for any of their concerts. three groups gave us offers that we just couldn't refuse. To Allie the group SHINee gave her the opportunity to become an Assistant Manager for the group. To Tho the group Seventeen gave her the same offer. The group EXO gave me the same offer. We all accepted the offers. When our parents found out, they were not very mad but eventually came around to the idea and were happy for us. We went from the hotel to the airport when me and Allie realized that we don't have passports. When telling the groups of this problem, they told us not to worry and that they had already thought of this and had passports made for us. We were happy that the problem had been fixed and thanked them profusely. We boarded the plan and after a thirteen hour flight we arrived in South Korea. We were all excited and couldn't wait to start. We were taken to our new apartments and went to sleep anticipating what would come tomorrow when we started work for the first time.

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