Untitled Part 1

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"Sammy? Sammy girl, where are you?" Steph McCaffrey sung out as she wandered through her best friend's apartment. She and Kristie had just returned from their London vacation and were supposed to take the younger Mewis sister out for breakfast so the three of them to catch up. She had spent the past 10 minutes pounding on Sammy's apartment door to no answer. So being the nosy woman she was, Steph used the spare key Kristie had given her and walked into Sam's apartment.

"Sammy are you still in bed? You don't get to call me the lazy one ever again." Steph kept talking as she peeked in the kitchen and office and found no signs of the midfielder. She opened the door to the bedroom and peered inside, trying to make out anything in the low light from the curtains. When she realized what she was seeing, Steph emitted an ear-piercing shriek.

"MY EYES!!" She shouted as she ran out of the bedroom, jolting its occupants awake.

"What the?" Sam bolted awake, jostling the woman almost out of bed as she too was suddenly awoken by Steph's shouting.

"That would-be McCaffrey." Abby drawled as she sat up and stretched, cracking her neck and spine.

"Why is she in my apartment?" Sam grumbled as she scrounged around on the floor for some clothes. This was not the start to her morning she had envisioned.

"Did you set that alarm last night like I reminded you to? What time is it?" Abby blinked a few times and peered at her phone. "Crap. Sammy, its 10. You were supposed to meet them at 9. I bet they came looking for you."

"Ah crap. Why did Kristie send Steph up?" The midfielder groaned as she found her sleep pants and pulled them on.

"I don't know." Abby replied, tossing Sam a shirt. "But you should go talk to her. Get her to stop shrieking. It is too early for that."

"Yes dear." Sam chuckled and headed out to the living room after tugging her clothes on. She found Steph yelling in her phone to Kristie to get up to Sam's apartment ASAP because the apocalypse was happening.

"Steph. Steph. Stop yelling." She sighed. When the forward refused to comply, Sam yanked the phone out of her hand and hung up on her older sister. That shut Steph's mouth, if only for a moment.

"What. The. Hell. Samuel! You have scarred me forever." Steph moaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, shut up Steph. It isn't like I haven't walked in on you and Kristie in the middle of it." Sam shot back defensively, crossing her arms as she glared at the brunette. "We were sleeping. It was a late night."

"I don't want to know the details!" Steph shot back.

Abby walked out of the bedroom in a pair of Sam's WNYF shorts and a tank top. She wrapped around the tall blonde, shooting the midfielder a look.

"Steph. For real. You act like you haven't seen two people share a bed before." The young defender rolled her eyes.

"Ok that is essentially my sister you are doing Lord knows what with Dahlkemper." Steph snarked back as Kristie opened the door.

"Stephanie calm down. Sam is an adult who can make her own choices. She blew us off for a good lay. It happens."

"Oh god it was not that!" Sammy moaned and buried her face in her hands. She had hoped Kristie would make things better, not egg Steph on. Abby stroked the tall woman's back, watching the blush climb up her neck.

"She's right." Abby felt the need to defend her girlfriend. "I told Sam last night before the fun started to make sure she had set the alarm, so she could meet you. Apparently, she forgot to and we slept in."

"Really Sammy? You couldn't listen to your woman and turn you alarm on? You couldn't spare my poor brain the image of you naked for all the world to see?!" Steph stared at Sam. Sam let out a sigh.

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