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"fuck it." namjoon says to himself, as he stands up from the chair and makes his way to the door.

he's realized that he just can't live without seokjin, even though he's probably having the time of his life right now. he never wanted to be that guy who sacrifices others happiness for his own, but he can't take it anymore.

he wants seokjin. no, he needs seokjin.

luckily, namjoon knows how to pick locks, because if he were a minute later, seokjin would be gone.

namjoon got through the door, and was frantically searching for the man, but he was nowhere to be found.

the last room to check was the bathroom, and the sight he sees brings tears to his eyes.

seokjin is laying on the cold tiles, knees to his chest and shivering uncontrollably. his eyes are red, and there's small amounts of blood coming from his mouth.

seokjin looks up at namjoon, and neither of them actually know what he's thinking, except for the thought that he might die.


at the hospital, namjoon was told that seokjin had overdosed on sleeping pills, and if it weren't for namjoon, his lungs would be filled with blood by now, causing death.

he thanks the nurse for telling him seokjin's condition, before heading to his room.

a small smile make it's way onto both of their lips when he enters. it's rare when seokjin smiles, but it's truly beautiful when it happens.

namjoon sits on the chair next to the bed, and cautiously takes seokjin's hand in his own.

seokjin squeezes softly, and looks at him with sad eyes.

"why didn't you let me die?" he says, his throat dry and scratchy making the words come out uncomfortably.

"because i love you." namjoon smiles softly while looking into seokjin's eyes, and stroking his thumb on the back of his hand.

seokjin's smile returns, before he speaks again.

"i think i love you too."

-NEXT CHAPTER: One month later-

This only has a few chapters left I hope you're ready lol

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