Chapter 1

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               "Alaine Amberine Copper of Steamist District, Indigora." A man called out. A girl, around sixteen, stood up from her seat a stage. She had dark red hair tied back in a ponytail and bright blue eyes. Her clothing consisted of a brown shirt and skirt with gold lining and black boots. She had a brown bag attached to her right side and a knife in a sheath on her left upper thigh. Her skin was lightly tanned and freckled with a small scar next to her right eye.

               She walked up to a podium and stood behind it, facing the crowd. She held up her left hand and placed her right behind her back. "I, Alaine Amberine Copper, shall stand with the Silver Claws until my last breath." She stated. The man walked up to Alaine with a silver claw on a black cord. Alaine turned to him and closed her eyes as he placed the necklace around her neck.

               She opened her eyes and stepped off to the side of the podium, the man now standing behind it. "I officially announce Alaine to be the newest member of the Silver Claws." He said to the crowd. The audience erupted into a cheer. Alaine walked back to her seat on the stage and sat down.

               "And now, the top three members of the Silver Claws, forever in our memory." The man said to the crowd, everyone going silent as he did so. "Jesse Lee Coal." Alaine thought of the young man. He had been shot attempting to reach Natura, the land that everyone in Indigora wished to be. "Derek Kline." The one who committed suicide to transfer his soul to a body in Natura.

               "Lucille Jasmine Copper." Alaine gripped her hands together tightly. Lucille, or Lucy as everyone knew her as was able to reach Natura but had been murdered within days of her arrival. Her body had been sent back to Indigora and to Alaine's house. Not only was a corpse sent to Alaine's home, but it was the corpse of her own sister.

               After a few moments of silence, the man spoke up again. "You three are forever in our minds and heart." He cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "Everyone is now dismissed." Alaine sat in her chair until everyone had left. The only one in the room was the man. Alaine stood up and walked up to him.

               "Thank you for my claw, Lyle." Alaine thanked him as she stopped behind him. "Lucy taught you manners all too well." Lyle joked with a smile. "Yeah..." Alaine replied, sounding upset. Lyle looked at her and turned to face her, grabbing her shoulders gently. "Lucy was a great person, Alaine." He said firmly. "I know she was. I just... I just wish she were still here with us..."

               "We all do." Lyle sighed, releasing Alaine's shoulders. Alaine didn't want to become too upset so she decided to change the subject. "Do you have any missions for me yet?" She asked, following Lyle out of the room. "Not quite. I should have some for you tomorrow though." He replied as he locked the room's doors.

               "Okay, that's great. I'm really excited to officially start being a member of the SC." Alaine stated as she toyed with her necklace. "I know you are. Lucy was the same way." Lyle smiled. He began to walk away from the doors and out of the warehouse building they were in. When they reached the front doors, Alaine took her leave as she waved goodbye to Lyle.

               Alaine opened the doors and was met by the polluted air of Indigora. She walked down the steps of the building, hiding her necklace, and looked over the landscape she could see. All the buildings were industrialized and many of them were factories. The sky was dense with clouds of smoke that never let the true sky peek through.

               Alaine made her way down the street and towards her house. She was nearly there when a group of people stopped her. There were four of them all in suits. 'Shit...' Alaine thought. She recognized the group as agents from the government in Indigora. "Alaine Copper?" The tallest one asked. "Yes?" Alaine replied. "You need to come with us." He told her.

               What? Why?" Alaine questioned, her brows narrowing. "Mr. Winchester wishes to meet with you." Another one of the men stated. Alaine tried to think of an excuse to make them leave her alone. "Alright but... Can it please be another time? I've got an interview tomorrow and I don't want anything on my mind right now." She said.

               "Alright, we'll reschedule for tomorrow and take our leave." The taller man said. Alaine walked into her house and shut her door, letting out a deep breath. She peeked out of her window and watched as the men left. She waited until they were far out of her sights before racing to Lyle's house.

               "Lyle! Open the door please!" She called, knocking on his back door. The door opened and Lyle looked at her, a confused expression on her face. "Alaine? What is it?" Lyle asked her as he let her inside. Alaine walked in quickly and waited until Lyle shut the door. "Mr. Winchester wants to see me. He sent out four of his men to come get me but I made an excuse to get away."

               Lyle's eyes widened a bit. "Mr... Winchester?" "Yes! I'm afraid they know something they shouldn't..." Alaine looked down. "Alright, um..." Lyle crossed his arms and thought. "Okay, Alaine?" Alaine looked up at him as he grabbed her arms. "Just go to him and listen to what he has to say. Do not, I repeat, do NOT tell him anything about us. Okay?" Alaine nodded quickly.

               "What if... What if something happens to me?" Alaine looked at Lyle with a worried expression. "If anything happens, they'll be sorry," Lyle assured her. "Meet with him and don't break. Promise me that you won't break." Lyle looked at Alaine. "I won't break," Alaine promised.

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