Beware the fangirl..

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I get dried up and I somehow manage to put clothes on, I walk out into the lounge and get glomped as I black haired girl blushed, staring at me "IT'S REALLY YOOOUUUUUU!!!!" The girl grabbed my wrists and spun me around for at least a minute fangirling, giggling "Alois alois alois! Yay!!!" I stare at her with disgust "w-what kind of monster a-are you?!" He smiles "I'm your girlfriend of course!" I drop to the ground "WHAT?!?" She smiles "girl..friend! Don't you know who I am?" I dry reach "n-never met you in my life.." She giggles "it's funny when you joke like that!" I look at Claude, his eyes had a slight pink of jealously in them. "We'll...girlfriend I don't even know..please leave..." She pouts "hhhuuuuhhhh? No way! I'm not leaving until we marry! <3 " I facepalm "leave me be....." She grabs my arm "come on! Lets look up at the clouds and share chocolates! I got some in my bag!" I gasp as I get pulled along " I d-don't really like sweets.." She smiles as she continues to run, gripping my wrist super super hard all the sudden "of course you like I right??" A pained expression showed on my face, I swear my wrist was going to snap, I try to smile "y-yes! I love c-chocolate! Yay!" She lets go "good! Now eat!" She shoves chocolate in my mouth forcefully. I try to muffle words out but to no avail. "Gen I beaz mo do feep mow!" (can I please go to sleep now!) the stranger before me known as my girlfriend smiled at me, not understanding what I'm saying, i barely manage to swallow down my food. she looks down "if you want me to leave so badly I will..." I look at her with sympathy. " its fine... you can stay.." her eyes lit up. now that I realised it, she looked sorta cute.. I mean.. I'm not gay... I'm bisexual.. so... I can like both right... if I marry her... I won't be alone will I....I'll.... never.. be alone... and she... won't steal my soul too..... I got a plan!

"you're a very beautiful lady you know..." her eyes widen as she blushes deeply. "w-what... really?! your lying r-right!" I smile sweetly,"no...and... I want to marry you right away..." her eyes light up as she smiles and hugs me tightly. "OH ALOIS I LOVE YOU!!"

the next day everything was set up, but I wanted it to be a private wedding, no guests, except the announcer and Claude.. the rest can go away.. I smile as i fix my tux. “ah.. a big day is coming.. I'm sorta nervous...I mean...she IS giving my life to me after all..." I stand out at the end of the isle. (the front door.) I blush as i see my future bride infrount of me, at the other end of the isle, the music started and I could feel a bad aura coming from Claude who was standing behind where my bride to be is going to stand, she stops, facing me, my hands in hers as we gaze into each others eyes, the annoncer says alot of boring crap I didn't care about then asks me the question... "do you....take Natasha your..." I stopped listening as i thought ' that's her name...'. "I do...." natasha smiled brightly as he asked a similar question to her, she blushed alot and squeezed my hands tightly. "I.... I..... I...!" "dont..." Claude grabs her hair and drags her towards him, he glares and slices her throat with a hidden knife in his sleeve, blood spattering everywhere,  over me, Claude, herself, and the announcer, he runs away and drops the book, I watch my bride with a bored look as she struggles to breathe and kicks her legs about until her eyes rolled to the bck of her head,  I sigh and shrug "oh well.. I was only using her.." I walk away as i wipe a splatter of blood off my face.

(( I hope you like the ending of this chapter! did you actually think that I was going to let alois marry a girl! you must be mad! anyways! until the next chapter! see ya!))

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