Chapter 1 - The Empress

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"Where is Hocknorton?" she demanded in her German accented French. The fine fabrics of her bliaut swished out a marching cadence as she sped past the bowing man in black. The medallion of his office dangling around his neck, promptly swung back to connect uncomfortably with his sternum as he hurried to catch up with the Empress. He deftly avoided the train of her attending ladies, who dutifully matched their mistress's pace.

"The Baron is assisting with preparations at Wallingford Castle, Empress."

She continued without breaking her stride and at the end of the hall, turned right and entered her suite of rooms at the north-west corner of the castle. Stopping abruptly, she nearly caused the man to collide with her nearest lady attendant. He recovered just in time, stepping out toward the middle of the room to wait.

The Empress paused to smooth out the silks of her gown, then lowered herself on to a large chair near the already crackling blaze in the oversized fireplace. As if upon some silent command, her ladies broke up and moved about the room with the confidence of dancers. It was a choreographed and long practiced maneuver which found two ladies seated on each side of the Empress, one seated at her feet upon a carpet, and one standing beside her, anticipating any command she may give.

His stomach flipped as she examined him from head to toe. He felt sure he had not passed this examination, and nearly apologized for it out loud. As quickly as this disapproval materialized, it dissipated and the atmosphere of the room seem to relax...slightly.

"Master Steward, we shall be notified immediately when any news of Baron Hocknorton's return to Oxford is received." She did not pause for an answer, as she knew she would be obeyed. "Our dear brother the Earl of Gloucester is gathering his forces to the north along with our faithful servant Miles of Gloucester. As time and circumstances may permit, either or both may come to us here in Oxford. Rooms shall be prepared for them and kept vacant in expectation of their arrival." She paused and eyed him severely, "Vacant, yet prepared to receive them instantly with all accoutrements necessary for the Earl replaced daily as if he were already in residence. Is this understood?"

"I understand completely Empress."

"Our ladies tend to our every need. They know without being told what we require. Your staff will show them every courtesy so that we may reside here as befits us." She stopped and eyed him once more. Realizing he had been dismissed, he bowed his obeisance and stepped backwards and out of the room, leaving the Empress and her women alone.

"Tell me what you think Hilde." The Empress spoke to the woman standing next to her. The woman promptly brought her eyebrows together in concentration. She was nearly as tall as her mistress, but fair haired to Matilda's chestnut brown, and eyes a pale icy blue. She was quite attractive, as was the Empress, even though both ladies would reach their fortieth birthdays in the New Year, both had remained very active and well attended through the many years since their first meeting in the German city of Worms.

"I think you know what I will say," she began, "without Robert your armies have no leader, no spirit, which is what he gives those men and what no other man can give."

"The same can be said for Stephen of course."

Hilde shook her head quickly. "Stephen is not loved in the same way the Earl of Gloucester is madam. Robert is a hero to the men. He, who makes no claim to a throne he could be fighting to gain for himself. A man who stands by his half-sister and young nephew. A man who leads the charge for what is right and what was promised by his and your blessed father, King Henry. No, my lady, the same cannot be said for the usurper Stephen."

Pleased with this loyal response, Matilda's lips turned downward as she rose from her chair. Her ladies quickly rose with her waiting for her next move.

"Kill him, they advised me. Fools. If I had killed Stephen when he was our prisoner, Ypres and his other dogs would have taken great pleasure in killing dear Robert." She took a few steps forward then turned and began pacing. "Besides, as if I would kill a king. Granted, Stephen usurped the crown that he wears, but the church has anointed him a prince of the realm, and princes are not to be executed! Are we a pack of wild dogs? What do these men think?" She was working herself up into a frantic state that Hilde and the other ladies were all too familiar with. One of the others, the petite Genevieve who was seasick all the way across the channel from Normandy, poured her lady a cup of watered wine. Handing it to her, the Empress absent mindedly accepted it as she sank back down into her chair.

"This is the counsel I receive. End the war madam. Give us the order to execute your cousin! As if I would be a regicide! Queen of the Germans. Queen of the Italies, wife to the Holy Roman Emperor!"

"But of course, my Empress," Hilde began in her native German tongue, "these men are not royal. They are lords, yes, but soldiers. Soldiers only know killing and winning. This was a chance to do both with one swing of the axe." She put a hand out to suspend the harsh retort from her queen, "They counsel you in the only way they can see to give you the throne of England now, as your father intended. They cannot be blamed for their lack of morals, or good sense, in that they only want to serve you and keep you safe. More reason that you are right in exchanging Stephen's release for your brother Robert. You are right my lady to end any temptation for action of this sort."

Matilda sighed deeply, drank some more wine, and said wearily "If this is the level of counsel I receive, I can only imagine what Stephen gets. I can just hear his men saying, 'If only we can kill the Empress, your worries are over my liege'. My liege. My foot!"

Hilde stifled a smirk and went back to her station beside the Empress. "Madam, do you truly expect that Earl Robert or Miles of Gloucester will be travelling to us here at Oxford Castle?"

"Of course not. They will be harassing Stephen's men in the north." She turned to look at Hilde. "I know naught the Steward of Oxford Castle, nor his people. Let him give his staff my orders, and if there be Stephen's spies among them, let them spread the tale that 'Gloucester rides for Oxford'. It can't hurt to spread a little misinformation Hilde. And if nothing comes of it, well then, I have two suites of rooms prepared to receive guests while I am here and it costs me nothing." Hilde nodded her approval.

"This is the type of advice I should be receiving from my lords." The Empress sat back before the fire hoping she had made the right choice and praying for the war to come to an end. A victorious and swift end.    

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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