Sorry Daddy

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© Keri L. Exsterstein

Published: February 2006

You call me names,
You curse me out,
When I make you mad,
You scream and shout,
I know you love me,
and I know you care,
there's times when you show it,
but those times are rare,
I hardly get to see you,
but the times that I do,
You're either drunk or high,
but Daddy.. I still love you,
You hit me a lot,
but it's because I do you wrong,
I must do you wrong plenty,
since these bruises stay for so long
I keep my feelings
locked up inside,
the bruises and scars,
I try to hide,
When the doctor asked,
who gave these bruises to me
I didn't tell them it was you Daddy
I told them it was me,
I don't know if they believed me,
but they put this needle in my arm, Daddy I pray that when I'm gone they will do you no harm,
Daddy I'm getting scared,
I look around
and you're no where to be found
as I take my very last breath,
I go peacefully, without you, to my death.


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