Chapter 1

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It was about 3:30pm, and the city of London was busy with activities, citizens were moving to and fro. Bruce hurried to the taxi he beckoned to stop, "1208 Weymouth street, he said as he got inside the taxi. His mind was still running a marathon race to which no particular price was set, he couldn't believe what he just saw, was it a dream or rather his eyes deceiving him ? He was still in the middle of bewilderment when the taxi driver called out, "here we are, sire". Oh, he said almost immediately, as he dipped his hand into his pocket to reach for the fare, "how much is it ?, he asked looking at the young man, whose name was Eddie Munroe, as he saw on his badge. "Its 25pounds sire" he said, looking at him through the rear view mirror of his car. Bruce handed him the money and got down, rushing to get to his mum before she steps out of town.

He got to the door, opened it and just as he dropped inside, he met Nancy, the maid a little girl of about 12yrs old. "Where is mum he asked, her car is still in the garage and I don't think she is out ? He asked with confusion written all over his face, she looked at him in a surprised manner, "she went to the police station at Orme square, your brother Ben got into a fight and it wasn't a clean fight, his victim is in the hospital with severe injuries on his head, hands and he was stabbed on the back, I'm just sorry for the poor lad, she said bending her head to look for what she didn't drop on the floor.

Bruce stood still like a statue for a while, he knew his brother was a delinquent, a total opposite of him.
Bruce Wayne and his twin brother Ben Wayne are just the right definition of opposite, while Bruce was the cool type, intelligent, humble and obedient, Ben on the other hand was a complete menace to his parents, teachers and of cos any soul around him.

They lost their father Ken, at the age of 12, tho they are quiet rich and lived large, Bruce never let that pride and ego take over him, Ben on the other hand was too deep in pride and equally the egocentric type, as a juvenile he believed that nothing could stop him from living his life on the foundations of his father's wealth, not even his mother or twin brother.

Most of his actions either got him in trouble or gets his twin brother in trouble, as they were identical, telling the difference between the two is like an impossible mission with less or no hopes of succeeding.

Back to the present. Nancy left him and went outside, he recovered from his thinking as a result of the door, which Nancy slammed to announce her absence. He quickly dropped his bag on the couch, headed straight upstairs to his room, on getting inside he fell face down on the bed, covered his ears with the pillow, with his legs still off the bed.

About 1hr later, the door bell rang, Nancy rushed to get the door. "You're welcome Mrs. Wayne" she said as she greeted the twins mother. She gave a quick look at Ben, who looked more of a kickboxer than a rich kid, "you're welcome sir".. She said, while she moved to the side to let them in. "Where is Bruce ?. She asked, "he should be in his room" Nancy replied as she collected her bag and Bruce's bag which he left on the couch. Ben who was already tired and covered in dirt, headed straight upstairs to his own room, without saying a word to his mother or Nancy.

Nancy knocked on Bruce's door, as he struggled to get up from his bed, while rubbing his eyes, he opened the door and saw Nancy standing with his bag on her left hand, "is mum back ?.. He asked, still rubbing his eyes.

Nancy nodded as she found her way down stairs to get dinner ready for the family. Bruce quickly rushed to the bathroom, took his towel and had a quick bath, then he rushed to his brother's room, he got to the door and stood there for a little while, after a deep thought, he finally found courage to knock on his door. "Who is there, get in if you're family, get out if you're family but a coward" that was Ben's reply to the knock, Bruce who was already familiar with his brother's attitude replied, "its me, Bruce, may I come in please ?.. The door opened wider than usual, and there stood Ben smiling in an unusual manner, "oh, the angel has come to visit the demon, to what do I owe this visitation, your majesty".. Bruce came in and closed the door behind him, "Ben, I'm sorry for what happened, I'm sorry I left you, you know me as much as everybody else knows that I don't like fights..... "Oh shut the fuck up lad, we are talking about your brother here, you were willing to let me die in the hands of those barbarians, and yes I know you, you're the angel of the house, you're the good one, you're the super hero, me ? I'm just the demon of the house, I'm always the insane one, its always me and troubles, you know what ?.. I'm tired and done with this conversation, get out of my room", Bruce stood quiet for a while before he made for the door, just before he opened it "Ben, I'm sorry once more", he apologised and left, Ben fell backwards on his bed hitting his head on his phone, "oh my goodness, I hope I didn't break that one too, he said as he scanned the phone thoroughly and found no scratch, he took his pillow covered his face and slept off.

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