chapter 1

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~Hikari's POV~

I was walking around the school waiting for class to start when I heard my best friend, Yami, calling me from behind.

"Hikari-chan!" I heard her call so I turned around and saw her running towards me. Once she finally reached me, she hugged me.

"Yami-chan!" I greeted her happily and I hugged her back.

"I brought something." She said and once she did I gave her a 'it better not be another yaoi manga.' look causing her to start laughing, for just a few seconds though. "Don't worry, it isn't yaoi. Please, I know that I talk too much about that, but not today, Hikari-chan."

"If it's not yaoi then, what is it?" I asked curiously.

"I got a new Naruto manga." She replied simply.


"Really?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, I was reading one of the pages at home, but you were not with me so... I stopped until I got to see you." She answered calmly.

"Awesome! Also, I was wondering, do you wanna go to my house after school to watch Naruto?" I asked, remembering what I was thinking about yesterday.

"Yeah." She said, smiling happily.

"YATTA!" I exclaimed happily causing a few people to look our way and I blushed in embarrassment.

Yami's reaction was one of a 'nothing happened' girl before she started laughing and lucky for me, the bell rang signalling it was time to go to class. Yami sighed in frustration making me raise an eyebrow.

"I forgot my homework at home." She answered my unasked question.

"Oh, I'll let you borrow mine. I wrote it twice in case you forgot." I said as we started walking towards the classroom.

"Arigato Hikari-chan, you are my guardian angel!"

~time skip~

"Okay class, I'm going to go around to pick up your homework before we get started with today's work." The teacher said once everyone was paying attention.

"Arigato Hikari-chan, I'm saved." Yami said from her place behind me.

"No problem, Yami-chan." I looked at her and smiled before quickly turning around so the teacher wouldn't notice.

When the teacher reached me, I gave her my homework and took out my notebook and pencil from my backpack.

After a while, the class was over and I finished taking notes. I turned around to ask Yami if she finished since she always borrows my notebook and saw that she was fast asleep. I smiled slightly before reaching over.

"Yami-chan, Yami-chan, wake up." I said softly while shaking her a bit.

"Oh... I really fell asleep." She murmured and yawned a few seconds after.

"Yep, what were you doing last night?" I asked while picking up my backpack.

"Watching anime, you know... That's my drug." She said and I sighed, shaking my head.

'I should've known.'

"Mine too, but I don't overdo it." I responded and she gave me a look that said 'don't lie to yourself' making me giggle.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She said before getting up from her seat and putting on her headphones. "Let's go."

"Hai!" I replied and we left towards our next class.

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