teams and council

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"" talking
"" thinking
"" spell power jutsu sacred treasure

last time

that was the last strall then naruto saratobi and iruka fainted


it was the next day and naruto is walking to academy for team placement. he was now wearing a green vest with black shorts that ended on the kneecap black sandals. his vest and pants showed the symbols that could not be seen which were the boar fox snake and lion.

it was an interesting night for him because he has learned all of which the sins and Elizabeth knows and today he needs to go to a council to teach them a lesson about messing with a prince to 3 kingdoms and the namikaze heir.

he came in the academy and in front of his classroom. he walk in and all the students stopped talking and looked at him.

"hey naruto baka why are you here you should be in a ditch dead somewere." said the pink banshee sakura

naruto started to get angry and the  sin marks started glowing and he did something now one thought he ever do. yell at sakura, "SHUT THE HELK UP YOU USELES FANGIRLISH BANSHEE OR I WILL TURN YOU TO STONE COME TO ME SPIRIT SPEAR CHASTIPHAL FORM 3 FOSIL" said naruto and summoned his spear to lengthen the threat.

"now naruto no need to turn people to stone. calm down" said iruka after seeing what that thing can do he was terrified.

"kay but if she is on my team and yell at me she will not survive." said naruto while his spear turned into a pillow and sat on it as it floated above the ground and waiting above them.

"hay naruto can I go up there with you?" asked shika

"yeah why not, I am going to levitate you k." and with that he levited her to the pillow which expanded.

"thanks. this pillow is super soft what is it made of. and how did you do that." shika asked.

"it is made of moss, bloodline." naruto said

"like hell you do not belong to a clan. your dad and mom must of abandoned you because they knew you would be a failure and your mom must have be-" sakura said not noticing that the pillow turned into a giant bear with it claw aimed at neck with shika holding onto naruto not to fall.

"you want to know what clans my parents belong too well my mom was kushina uzumaki the red death and princess of the land of twisting tides. and for my father look at me and then at the hokage monument at the fourths head my full name is naruto namikaze uzumaki son of Kushina uzumaki and Minato namikaze. so SHUT UP YOU NO GOOD WHORE" naruto yelled at sakura.

"Wait did you say namikaze?" sasuke asked with hope in his voice.

"Yeah and no you can't have my clan scr- " naruto said but sasuke pooffed into smoke and revealed an exact replica of the wife of the head of the uchiha clan.

"no I am happy that I can't be turned into a breeding stock because I am your fiance, my mom and your mom had the contract at the uchiha compound so wait for me to come back and you can sign it. yeah no breeding stock and it's with the guy I like too yeah. oh and my real name is mina uchiha." and  with that she left with a lot of shacked people.

10 minutes later

"i have the paper" said min as she gave the paper to naruto.

"Ok now let us do team pavements team 1 group 1(skipping till 7) team seven of leaf twelve is naruto sakura and mina team 8 of leaf 12 is hinata kira and shina team nine of last year will be with you team 10 of leaf 12 is shika in and chuoji. your teacher will be hear in a few."said iruka and he left

20 minutes later the teacher team 9 and the hokage came in

"the leaf 12 come with me and naruto to a council meeting." said the hokage and with that they left to the hokage tower.

they entered the meeting room that started to cry about the demon child there.


"now today we will be turning a new leaf first by saying sasuke uchiha was not real and is really a distraction from mina uchiha her real name
and the vassal of the kyubi naruto is the son of the 4th hokage minato and the exhaustion of the civillan council and hyuga elder council for harming a a clan heir and prince of three kingdoms. naruto will you do the honors" sated the hokage with a sweating civilian and huyga elder council.

"will do gramps" naruto the people tried to go to the door to escape but naruto summoned a the morning star and cast "PIRFECT CUBE" and the room walls door and windows were covered in purple energy and he brought his spear it and said "be damned to the lowest level of he'll and be judged with thy name BACK PERADE" while he said this all of the guilty started to torn black and dropped dead

"thank you naruto this will be the group's first s ranked mission and now go to the hokage monument for intros thank you" the hokage said the group left


till next time

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