Intro to me

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Okay so yeah I've done this before but I'm doing it different this time!

Color- 💜Purple💜
Animal- Horse/Octopus
Hobby- Reading/writing(obviously)
Food- Steak (cooked rare)
Quote- "Life's not about how hard you hit; its about how hard you can get hit and still keep going."
Word- Honestly my favorite word is fuck. Don't judge me.

More detailed things...
-I don't appreciate lying. At all. If you lie, I will find out and the situation will not be happy.
-I am loyal to my boyfriend, Sebastion, if you message me inappropriate things, you will be blocked. Not a fuck to give.
-I'm mean Lol A more appropriate word is "savage." Or you could say I don't have much of a filter. So, basically, I'm likely to offend/hurt your feelings if you take everything seriously. If you like sarcasm and a very assholish sense of humor you'll be okay.
-Even though it may seem like I'm outgoing, if you know me at all, I'm not. My walls are high and thick. Good luck with that. Not really my fault people fuck me over all the time. If you take your time getting to know me and don't push me, you'll love the shit out of me, I promise.
-You fuck with my friends/family, you fuck with me. And you don't want to, promise. So don't do that.
-Everyone has a past. Everyone has triggers. Please be mindful if I ask you not to say/do something, just respect it and don't fuckin do/say that thing anymore. Or at least try not to.
-If you act an ass on my wall/in my comments/in my messages--guess what? You get blocked. Still no fucks. Not putting up with bullshit. 

That's all for now. I'll update some more...sometime Lol

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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