Part 1

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I officially hate birthdays. 

"SURPRISE!" My parents shouted as I walked into my house after being forced out.

"Wow, amazing, I was definitely not expecting a surprise party." I said sarcastically with a pained smile on my face.  What was once, the living room with large couches and a big T.V, was now an empty space with tables filled with food and drinks as well as an abnormally large amount of people.

If you haven't realised yet, let me enlighten you. I. HATE. Surprise. Parties. Call me a party pooper or the fun police, I don't care. But if I was only allowed one thing to despise, it would be  a large group, or any group of any size, of people planning something behind my back without giving me any hints as to what to expect. I mean, what can I say? I have a controlling personality. And not knowing what's going to happen next is possibly my worst nightmare.

"Happy sixteenth birthday Adira!" Someone squealed and jumped/hugged me from behind. 

"Evana Buel, how many times have I told to not attack me from behind like that." I sighed. My overly affectionate and compassionate best friend smiled and started squealing again.

"What is it Evan?" I asked. "Well, whatever it is bring it out because you're obviously excited about something, lets get it over with."

"Okay okay, I'm so excited, you're going to be so excited and I just really want to give it to you now but your parents told me to give it to you later after everyone's gone home because I'm staying the night!" Evana rushed it out in one breath. 

"Calm down, calm down!" I laughed. "If you keep doing that, you're going to make your lungs shrivel up from not having enough oxygen!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just so hyped for your birthday, you could get your coming of age powers today!" She said with an almost crazy looking wide smile on her face.

"I'm not hyped for my birthday or powers. It's just the mark of another year passing for me, nothing more. Plus, you know I don't really like parties like this one." I told her

"Not even with me here?" A deep, powerful and playful voice said from behind me.

I turned slowly. It was my soon to be betrothed, Prince Regis of the Nolan family.

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