The beauty of a winter morning

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I woke from my deep slumber before my alarm went off again. I sit up slowly and yawn. I felt different this morning but I don't know why. I rub my eyes and scrunch my face as I stretched out my long and skinny arms. I blink my eyes so they would focus. I threw my legs out from under the blanket and shove me feet into my unicorn slippers.

After rummaging through my draws, I pull out my dressing gown and wrapped it around my shivering body. I turn and looked at my reflection in the mirror and tied my hair up into a messy bun and slowly make my way to the kitchen.

After the teapot finished boiling, I picked it up carefully and poured some of the hot water into my mug. The steam was rising into my face but I didn't stop pouring the water until it reached 3 quarters of my cup. The steam warmed my face and I felt less cold.

I took my mug and a big warm blanket and sat on the edge of the roof. I sipped at my tea and let everything clear from my mind as I stared at the crystals forming on the power line. "How can such simple things be so beautiful and elegant," I whispered to myself.

I glimpsed down at my watch and took another sip of my tea, then I slowly stood up, struggling to balance on the cold ledge of the roof. I took my time walking back to my window so that I didn't fall. I took one last gaze of the beautiful sunrise and then I disappear behind the thick curtains and slid my window shut.

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