Chapter III: "Is that Beyoncé?"

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Peggy stood in the bathroom at Laf's apartment. She looked up at herself in the mirror.

"We're gonna have some fun with this one."

"It's ok. This'll be quick, easy, and fun for all of us if you play along. If you don't, we may resort to something even more... harsh."


Eliza: "Peggy, where tf are you? I've been worried sick. Come home right now."

Me: "No, Elizabeth. I'm tired of being overlooked. I'm tired of being the sibling who everyone is disappointed in. You and Angie are poster children Debutants. The triplets are the perfect All-American boys. Catherine Jr. is just the cutest fucking baby ever. I am shit! And you all treat me like such. So tell mom and dad I'm not coming home."

Eliza: "Margarita, you listen to me right now. You will return home right now. I swear to God if you—" *BLOCKED*

Peggy thought she'd be relieved to stand up for herself, but she didn't for some reason. She got a text from Angelica. She refused to read it.

She thought about all the times she'd been wronged by her family.

There was the time when she went to cheer Angie's game on. Someone had kicked the ball and it hit her in the face. Eliza had laughed, even after it was revealed Peggy's nose was broken.

There was the time when Peggy's kindergarten friend, Lou, had to go to the hospital. Her family told her to suck it up, that Lou would be fine. Lou died from complications. It turned out she had cancer that hasn't been noticed soon enough. When Peggy would cry, Her family would tell her, again, to suck it up.

How about the fact that Peggy was raped and here Eliza was screaming at her because she didn't want to go home to a non-loving family.

Peggy realized there were tear streaming down her face. She stared at herself in the mirror. She picked up her phone and chucked it into the mirror. The phone screen cracked but the mirror shattered.

Lafayette heard the noise. "Peggy, are you alright?"

She didn't answer. Instead, she picked up a shard of glass from the mirror and held it to her wrist. She was sobbing, but didn't care about what she was about to do. She didn't think about Lafayette or her new friends, Alex, John, Herc, and Liz (Herc's girlfriend).

"Peggy? Peggy. Peggy! Peggy, please open the door." Lafayette was pounding on it. He heard the glass shatter and heard her sobbing. "Peggy, I'm coming in. Stand back!"

He kicked in the door. Peggy was sitting in the floor, crying. She hadn't cut herself, but she was ignoring Lafayette. He ran over and grabbed her hand. She dropped the glass and he threw it across the room. She sat there and sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up.

Lafayette carried her to the bed and laid her down. She laid there and cried. He didn't try to say anything, he just held her close and let her cry it out.

When she calmed down, he asked: "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really. Maybe later." Peggy replied.

"Then let's do something crazy! Let's get the squad and go to a karaoke place."

"Laf, I'm too shy to sing in front of strangers."

"We'll go somewhere that isn't very busy. It'll cheer you up... I know!" He said this as he walked in the bathroom and got a brush, hair ties, and Peggy's phone. (Lucky for Peggy, it still worked.)

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