02 - hidden

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"You're what??" Niall asked in shock as Harry began to pace frantically around a tree. Now he was released he had to find Niall. He was of course panicking he was being forced to do this and he was afraid for his life. And of course the only way he could die as an angel was by the devil himself.

Harry glanced back. "Michael wants me to find Lucifer." He said before he leaned against the tree. "He escaped and now he thinks the only way to trap him is have me be bait. Niall I don't want to do that!"

Niall frowned. "Then why are you doing it?" He asked with panic in his own voice.

"Michael threatened me...and he kind of promised to clear all the actions I had." He said. Niall widened his eyes and he took his hand.

"Harry that's great! You could be cleared from being kicked out of heaven." He said before Harry yanked his hand out.

"Heaven won't kick me out because I get distracted." He said before he shoved his hands in his pockets and began to walk.

Niall quickly followed. "So what will you do first then?" He asked as his bright blue eyes stared at him. "Do you do some sort of ritual and shout 'here luci luci.'

Harry stopped and gave him a look, was he honestly that stupid. "No..." He said before he sighed as he sat on an empty bench and leaned back as his head looked up at the clear blue sky. "I have to find him based on what the scouts find out..."

Niall sat next to him and frowned. "This sounds risky." He stated as he fiddled with his fingers. "What does he even look like?" He asked

"No one knows, he has the appearance of whichever form he wants to take and with nearly 8 billion people in this world, it's hard telling." He said as he looked straight forward instead of up and he sighed. "I am just mentally preparing myself for whatever is going to happen. Michael says he has a team scoping out a certain part of England already if he hears back from them saying they found him then I have to go there..."

Niall frowned as he actually saw how distressed he was and gently he took his hand and gently rubbed his back. "I believe you can do it." He offered with a small smile. Harry let out a sigh before he looked over and gave a small but forced smile. 

"Thanks Niall..." 

Both of them knew however that this was basically a suicide mission.

+ + +

"You already found him?" Harry asked with shock as he was suddenly approached by Michael later that night. 

"My scouts are the best Harry." He said as he turned to look out the window with his hands in his pockets. "He's in that town in England that I told you about."

"Doncaster sir?" He asked

Michael nodded before he came over and looked at Harry. "Now listen to me Harry, the most important part of the mission is up to you now." He said softly. "You need to put his guards down and gain his trust, remember he's smart, so he will know you're an angel do not lie about that, he's evil, not stupid." Michael scolded

Harry nodded softly as he thought in his head on what he had to do. "How should I act sir."

"Act like the rebellious angel you are close to being. He wants people on his side, and if he has an angel like yourself he'll slowly give you the trust you need for us to rush in and capture the devil." He said

Harry could only freak out more and more about what was to happen to him, he was screwed and there was no way getting out of this. "Got it sir." He said as he let out a deep sigh.

Michael nodded and came over to him, his hands firmly placed on his shoulders and he looked Harry in the eye. "All of heaven and the world are counting on you, Harry." He said before suddenly everything flashed white and Harry was transported. He looked around when the scenery changed, it was a gloomy city of some sorts, rain slowly trickling down from the sky and everything seemed so grey.

As he's focusing he  suddenly feels a hand touch his shoulder and he looked back suddenly. He would have screamed, but a scout he recognized by the face was there instead. "You scared me."

"Sorry Harry." He said before he pulled a dagger out and handed it to him. "This is just in case he does anything funny."

Harry took the completely metal dagger and looked to the designs enscripted within the material, it was some ancient celestial writing he never could understand. After observing it he put it away before he looked to the man. "Where is he?" He asked.

"Bar...right across the road. He's small and looks like an average bloke. However when you see him you'll know it's him." He said. "He likes scotch."

Harry gulped and nodded before he looked back in the direction of the bar. When he turned back to ask another question he frowned seeing the other celestial being gone. "Thanks, I guess." He grumbled before he fully turned to the bar and let out a deep breath. "Here goes nothing..." He said before he took long strides to walk into the bar, trying to be as confident as he could be.

A haze of smoke hit him the second he entered the bar and he tried not to cough at the putrid smell of what Harry knew to be weed. He grumbled under his breath before he began examining and looking around the bar, it looked near empty and the people who were in there didn't even pop out to him at all. So with a sigh he moved to a table in the corner where he can discreetly inspect everyone. Nothing was hitting him and it made him wanna scream, this was frustrating.

"What can I get ya sir?" A waitress with slim fitting clothes asked. Her shirt had the collar low and her cleavage showed purposefully, must have been a trick for tips. 

"Oh uh...water for now." He said.

"He'll have a scotch." A high pitched voice said making Harry jump when a man sat across from him at the table. Harry wasn't sure who this man thought he was but apparently, he must have thought he had the right to order him drinks. When the waitress left the man who sat across from Harry tilted his head. "So tell me...did you think you can just walk in here without me seeing the wings on your back angel face?" The man smirked 

Harry froze when he saw a dangerous sudden glint in the man's eye. This was who he is looking for...



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- Kaspar xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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