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<3No one's POV<3

It was last period and Aizawa Sensei was asleep (as usual) so the class was of course allowed to do whatever they want as long as they don't wake up Sensei. Some students decided to go for a walk through the halls while others were sitting and chatting with friends. Todoroki on the other hand decided to read a book and a few minutes into reading he felt a pair of small hands cover up his vision.

<3Todoroki's POV<3

"guess who! <3" I heard a soft voice say with a small giggle. I could recognize that voice anywhere. I felt a small smile form on my once stoic face.

"haha, hello Midoriya." I said looking back at the green haired boy behind me.

"aw man! How did you know it was me!?" he whined with a slight pout forming on his face.

"because you have a voice that is hard to forget" I said as smoothly as I could, as I try not to blush looking into his beautiful, sparkling green orbs. I watched as his pouting face turned red and his eyes grew wide, trying to comprehend what I just said and with that the bell signaling rang.

"well I'll see you later Midiriya." I said as I walked out of the classroom.

<3Midoriya's POV<3

"well I'll see you later Midiriya." He said leaving me alone and flustered. 'did he really just say that!?' I thought to myself as I packed my things.

As I stepped outside I felt the cold air hit my face and it was GREATLY appreciated because the school's heating system was killer! It felt like the whole entire building was on fire! As approach the gate I notice Todoroki kneeling down for some reason.

"hey Todoroki! What are you doing?" I asked walking towards him.

"petting my cat" as soon as he said that I was down on my knees petting the precious kitty.

"Hey baby!" I said in a baby voice. I'm probably weirding out Todoroki but I can't help it! It's so cute and fluffy!

"Well now I know how to get you on your knees" He said with a smirk. "Maybe later we can work on getting you on all fours" My face felt like it was on fire and I instantly Shot up. The warmth of the cat's fur leaving my hand.

"T-To-Todoroki! Sh-Shu-Shut up!" I said avoiding eye contact, still blushing like a mad man. He laughed a little before getting up and ruffling my hair.

"don't worry I was just kidding" he said kinda disappointing me a little. Not gonna lie. . .I was kind of hoping he was serious.

<3Todoroki's POV<3

I was defiantly NOT kidding, but I will let him think I was for now and at just the thought of it was getting me hard so I had to distract myself.

"anyway, the cat's name is Luna" I said looking at Luna who was cleaning herself clean.

"Why did you name her that" Midoriya asked looking down at Luna with a curious expression

"well" I said leaning down to pick her up. "her eyes are blue and that reminds me of the sky. Her fur is black and that reminds me of night, and on her stomach, she has a patch of fur on her stomach in the shape of a crescent moon." I said, holding her up to reveal the fur on her stomach. She didn't seem to care so I just kept her there for a while.

"Wow Todoroki! You really put a lot of thought into her name!" Midoriya said flashing us a huge smile.

"yeah. . . well I think we should be heading back to the dorms before it gets too late" I suggested putting Luna down and turned to walk away.

"wait! Todoroki!" Midoriya said with worry clear in his voice. I turn to look at him with a confused expression. "we can't just leave her here!" Midoriya said motioning to the cat causing me to smile from how much he cares.

"don't worry. She will follow us." I said simply while turning back around to walk to the dorms.

"o-oh ok!" Midoriya said running to catch up with me.

<3Midoriya's POV<3

After about a minute of walking with Todoroki I realized something. "Todoroki? Where does Luna go while you are at school or in your dorm?" I ask kind of not wanting the answer because if it is what I think it is I will feel kinda bad.

"I'm not sure exactly. . . I'm pretty sure she just sits there and waits outside of where ever she can't come in." Todoroki said nonchalantly. I can't believe she sits out here and waits for him! Doesn't she get cold or Hungary? And how haven't I noticed her before? And as if reading my mind, he answered my questions "she's fine though. . .her fur keeps her warm enough and I got her a weather proof cat house so she should be fine. and i feed her and give her water whenever she needs it. . .and if you are wondering why you never see her, it's because I wake up early and leave school quickly so she's not alone as much." He said not looking at me. It made me feel a bit better but I was still a little worried. we reached the dorms and said our goodbyes to Luna and went inside. Todoroki looked a little sad to be saying goodbye to Luna but who could blame him? From the looks of it they are very close.

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