Suicidal Temptation

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Suicidal Temptation

© Heather Hauge

Published: March 2009

I'm so sick of hearing
the same old lecture
why can't I grow up
and be mature
no one understands
even if they think they might
I'll just put a rope around my neck
and pull it tight
will that end all the pain and agony
that I go through every day
you say I haven't changed
but I have in my own way
I don't do it to impress
I act how I do
because for some reason it relieves the stress
you don't understand me
so please don't try
eventually ill be free
and you'll be satisfied
but until then be patient
because my rope is tied


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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