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    Sunlight peeping through my window is what wakes me. shit. what time is it? I lazily grab my phone from my bed stand, still hanging onto those last Z's.

    The time displays on my lock screen and I can barely make out the 10:42. A loud sigh escapes my lips, just now catching on to the fact that i've hit snooze on all my alarms.

I toss my phone onto the white fluff of my comforter and stretch my arms above my head rolling onto my side. I close my eyes again just to lay there in comfort. My mind ponders on whether to go to the gym or not.

Getting up slowly, I make my way to my closet and throw on a oversized gray sweatshirt and my black adidas joggers. The gym won't exist to me until after 12pm.

    I open my curtains further and look down at the moving cars in the street. Life was always so fast paced here. Tall buildings catch my eye on the nearby blocks and a smile breaks on my face. I'm genuinely happy in this moment.

    My happy mood stays with me as I eat breakfast and read a few chapters of the book that's been taking up a majority of my free time. My dirty dishes find their way to the sink and I finally decide to hit the gym.

    I grab my attire and throw it on, finishing the look with a high ponytail. I grab my car keys, phone and earbuds and i'm gone. I walk the hallways of my apartment complex and take a few turns to the parking garage.

    As i'm walking towards my car, I hear a car door slam and someone is walking the opposite direction of me. My head perks up and those same hazel eyes and the same mop of dark brown hair from last night greets me. A hello falls from his lips once he recognizes me.

    My face heats up and the curiosity from before creeps up on me. I try to shoo it away but it crawls right back. I shyly smile and laugh slightly. I expect him to keep walking but he stops and approaches me.

"Delaney?" He questions himself, and I nod still shocked that he even came up to me. Curious, I almost ask if he lives in the same apartments as I do.

"Ethan?" I mimicked him, attempting to hide the fact that i'm shy. The blush appears on my cheeks and he laughs.

    "You live here? If so, i've never seen you around." His hands go into his pockets which gives me a vibe saying that he's relaxed. My muscles aren't tense anymore.

    "Oh.. yeah I live just on the 5th floor."

    "Really? I live just on the 6th. I live with my brother Grayson." He smiles his white smile which almost blinds me again. I decide to get out of my comfort zone.

    "It's kind of strange we keep bumping into each other. I mean, last night and then today.." Ethan laughs and agrees with me.

    "It is somewhat strange," He shrugs. "You seem dressed up.. where are you off to?" Sarcastic, he runs his eyes down and up again.

    "Oh i'm just going to the gym. I've been slacking on going so I finally forced myself to go today." I try to force a sarcastic laugh, meeting his vibe.

    "Now that I think about it, i've been slacking to." He laughs his golden laugh and looks at the ground. His eyes snap up and meet mine again.

    "I'll see you around, Delaney." I'm suddenly blushing again.

    "Yeah, see you, Ethan." I nod and walk my way. A feeling erupts in my stomach and I get all shaky. Why is my body reacting like this?


    At the gym, my instructor had me doing a hell of a lot squats and leg lifts. He keeps telling me we are improving my thighs and butt muscle.

    "Okay Delaney.. give me your ten best squats!" I push myself harder than before and my posture and form gets better. A cheer pats me on the back as he gets low to look at my face. Encouraging words are being thrown at me and I scream out in pain as I take my last squat. These weights make this harder than it has to be.

    "Nice work today Delaney! Try not to slack anymore. Come back in tomorrow so we can focus on ab work." My thumb goes up in the air as I turn around to grab my things.

    Enough of that. It's only been a few hours out of the house and i'm ready to go back.

As I am leaving the gym, I get a call from my best friend Lynsie. I answer the facetime with a loud hello.

"Hey! What are your plans for this weekend? I was thinking we could have a girls night. I've been needing some female energy after working so many doubles." She groans.

"Well I have my finals coming up next week but my first final is set to take online on Tuesday. So i'm sure I can make time for you Saturday night?" My last sentence comes out more as a question.

"Yeah that should work for me. My work schedule is slowing down again just for finals week as well. Let's go out!" She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows.

I laugh only because I know what she's up to. "You mean to tell me you're wanting to go to the club again?" I secretly roll my eyes. Last time Lynsie got me to the club I ended the night shit-faced, roaming the streets of LA.

    "Come on Delaney! When's the last time you've actually had fun?" She giggles.

"Do you think we could maybe just say in on Saturday? We could invite Jessica and Maddy over as well! Just the four of us with drinks and fun activities." I smile knowing that she loves little get togethers.

"Ooooo! I am going to invite a few others as well. Can we shoot for 7 at your place? Your apartment is bigger than mine and I only plan on inviting a few extra."

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll shoot you a text during the week with ideas of what we should eat and we will just figure it out."

Lynsie nods her head and cheers excitedly. She says her goodbyes and I end the facetime. I sigh and start up my car.

I suck at writing stories but here is a part 2 heheh. Vote and comment! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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