Never Play to Be God

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"It was december 19th of 1986; me and my colleagues Albert Heuge, Hans Lovejoy and Aramin Winters were taken to a military facility of an urban legend, the soldiers called it the Area 51, but at least I knew that wasn't true as we were in Canada and the drive lasted less than 2 hours. So we were in some unknown military areas. At any rate, we found ourselves trapped in a room with no lights but the ones of the cellphones of the men standing right in front of us until one of those men stepped in front and as he did a few led lights light on from behind him, almost as he had set it up to make a movie like entrance; he was wearing a trenchcoat and jeans but that's all I could see. His face face was darkened by the lights and his voice was completely a strange, his tone felt like he was older than my father, the voice of a male in his mid 70's but his way to express himself was so lively that he couldn't have been older than 20 something. He gave us an offer, words I could never forget and I quote: "Alright you four, you've been brought here for your scientific researches, biology, artificial intelligence, artificial limbs for medical purposes and of course anatomy. Now I'm gonna give you 3 choices, number 1, you work for me, you create an artificial human being that can feel, that can learn, that can grow, one that absorb knowledge from people's brains by just it's will. Number 2, I can kill you all right here right now or number 3, you walk out of here on your own chances and my soldiers will hunt you. What'll it be?". 

At first we didn't believe anything he said, it was utterly crazy but to pin our lives into a crazy man's hands was even crazier so we chose to work for him, all of us did. Yet when we arrived at the lab we were supposed to work on, we were all just out of our minds..."

As soon as the man wrote those words in his journal, the images started to pop in his head and he started remembering everything that happened on those weeks... 

They were standing on the entrance of a lab with no windows and only two doors, one at each side of the room. It was filled with all the medical, research, chemical and mechanical equipment that had the most advanced technology that could only be seen in movies. It was impressive, they all looked around it and the man who made them the offer entered the lab and said with a very indifferent tone on his voice - This will be your working area, your quarters are to the door of the left, to the right there's a closet with cleaning items, enough for one year. Get the job done or I'll find people who will and that's not the good ending for you - 

The man walked out and locked the door as soon as he left. "I finally got a glimpse to his face as he was leaving, he had a scar that was born from his left eye to the neck, very deep and the right half of his face was all burnt down. He seemed to be blind, but how could he walk so carelessly and confidently if he can't see? The answer was to be found as our research was to advance". They started reviewing the inventory, they found formaldehyde, surgery equipment, human organs, blood bags, bones, materials and minerals that composed the human body and several books of anatomy to what the body was composed of; but they found something that was oddly out of their knowledge, something that mainly befuddled them; it was a witchcraft book that contained ingredients for making an artificial body A.K.A. "Familiar". 

"We laughed because we thought that Scar was crazy, but the more we kept trying to make those freaking artificial humans, the more we started realizing it wasn't that he was crazy, it was that no one but us could do what he was asking, those witchcraft books were a real deal, at first only Hans would dare to try them on, he made a... what he called a "golem" to try and kill Scar, but that son of a bitch just shot it with once and Golem came down and so did Hans; that bastard of Scar cold blooded shot him between the eyes and had his henchmen take him away. Since we saw it worked, we all decided we could try and make his request come true, but we all had one thing in mind back then, credit..."

A month later of our captivity their progress was smoothly, we were able to create a sentient being, a little boy who would answer to physical stimuli, but without the nurture of a mother the baby immediately died a few days later. After a couple of weeks we decided that to make a baby would only lead us as far, we started working on older children, the most stable age for the familiar or "homunculi" as we liked to call it was 12, we never did know why but we just didn't care. We wanted to earn our freedom. During the next month we kept on making attempts to get Scar out of heads, we learned that boys weren't as resilient, and that the organs we were using weren't compatible with a male's body structure, so we started working to create a girl's body that had the qualities he wanted; until one day Albert did something beyond everybodies understandment: son of a bitch used nothing from the anatomy books, he used only from the witchcraft books, and he did one hell of a job, the girl could read our minds but she wasn't scared at all of us; I guess it was because she knew all of our moves and therefore she had no reason to be scared at all. 

But things went to hell when Scar showed up, the girl was so scared of him she started to attack him, and more inconvenient results she had some sort of telekinesis powers or something like that and even worst, she killed herself after seeing she had no effect on him. There's when we found out he wasn't entirely human, the day after we focused to removing the chemical that produces fear from the brain without leaving it numb, we spent months at it but we figured it all out. When we finally created the new girl, Scar came inside and looked at us, then the girl; he seemed as if he was staring, but a blind man can't do that, not unless he's enhanced with the same books he gave us of witchcraft, and there's when at least I noticed, he wasn't actually human; we were working with a demon or rather the devil himself, it's one of many decisions I regret. 

After he picked up the girl he told us to go outside with him, we thought we were finally free but we were wrong. When we got outside, the girl could only stare at us and the henchmen of Scar were packed up with rifles, they lined us up in against a wall and Scar only yelled at us "Thanks for the work boys". The son of a bitch tricked us into creating his own personal weapon; we waited until he left, and as soon as we heard the soldiers reading the weapons we all scattered out like chickens and ran the hell away. I don't know what was of my colleagues, but I do know this; that little girl we made and Scar are sure going to destroy the world, all because we all had the ambition of playing god to get our novel price. After my execution in prison tonight, that journalist girl, Elena will recieve my journal that contains all the information of that girl and how she was created, maybe someone can put an end to the her and Scar.

A metal click was heard and the man turned around, two police guards were standing with handcuffs ready. The man stood up and was taken down the hall to the electric chair and as the man sat down the chair his final words were "This is all Scar's fault"; everyone looked at him as if he were crazy, but the blonde girl standing in front of him with a notebook knew who he was talking about. 

After he was electrocuted, the policeman gave the girl the man's journal and as she walked out of prison a golden aura covered her legs and she ran leaving behind her only  a golden stella behind her disappearing into the sight's reach and into the city. 

Somewhere else, Scar was following the golden stella with his eyes and the girl was standing behind him...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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