Chapter 10

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*Next Day*

teejay- (lays on the couch on her phone)

tm- (picking stuff up off the floor) i was only gone for a couple of days and you made all this mess why you cant clean up after yourself

roc- (texts teejay) i miss you

teejay- (text back) you just seen me

tm- you not even listening (walks in teejay bathroom)

roc- i still miss you

teejay- you'll see me tomorrow

tm- (comes back) teejay whats this

teejay- (smiling at her phone)

tm- (holding the pregnancy test) teejay why do you have this

teejay- (stands up) why are you going through my stuff

tm- answer my question

teejay- because i wanted to take a test

tm- what it say

teejay- that im pregnant

tm- really teejay youre only 16

teejay- i know im-

tm- i didnt even know you had a boyfriend whats his name

teejay- um i-

tm- it dont even matter im going to have to make some calls... (walks in the kitchen)

teejay- (follows her) you going to make me a doctors appointment

tm- no

teejay- but-

tm- one of my co workers got an abortion a few weeks ago i could probably take you where she went

teejay- abortion

tm- your not ready to raise a baby teejay

*Next Day, School*

lexis- abortion

teejay- (nods)

lexis- no you cant do that

teejay- she didnt really give me a choice

lexis- abortion is wrong and i wanted to be a god mom (shrugs)

teejay- i dont even know what to do (puts her head down)

lexis- well what does chres think

teejay- (looks at her) what

lexis- you said the fathers name was chres right

teejay- oh yeah i havent talked to him about it yet (looks at roc)

lexis- well you need to tell him

teejay- (nods)

*After Class*

teejay- we need to talk

roc- ok about wat

teejay- not here can i come over tonight

roc- (nods) yeah tonight

teejay- (breathes in) ok

roc- (looking at her) are you ok

teejay- im fine (walks away)

*Teejay's House*

teejay- (doing homework)

tm- teejay you ready

teejay- (looks up) ready for what

tm- to get this abortion over with

teejay- right now

tm- yeah now

teejay- why now

tm- so you could get this over with so come on

teejay- (stands up) i dont want to

tm- teejay you dont need to be scared it'll be quick

teejay- no i mean i want to keep the baby

tm- you cant raise a baby

teejay- i'll figure it out

tm- teejay i dont want you having a baby in this house so make a decision


roc- (opens the door)

teejay- (walks in and put her bags down)

roc- (looks at her bags and laughs) what you moving or something (looks at her) you okay

teejay- (shakes her head)

roc- (hugs her) whats wrong

teejay- my mom kicked me out because im pregnant...

roc- (looking at her stomach) no you aint

teejay- Chres i am!

roc- whos baby is it

teejay- your the only person ive been with

roc- i thought you was on birth control

roc- damn ive always hated kids

teejay- (crosses arms) you dont have to be in its life

roc- (pulls her close and moves her hair out her face)

teejay- (looks at him)

roc- im going to be here for you always no matter what i promise

teejay- (smiles)

roc- (kisses her)

*20 Minutes Later*

teejay- (laying on roc's chest) wheres jacob

roc- out with his friends i dont really know (laughs a little)

teejay- (nods) i'll go to lexis house tomorrow her mom will let me stay there

roc- you sure

teejay- mhm

roc- (playing with her hair)

teejay- chres

roc- hmm

teejay- im hungry

roc- (smiles) you know i cant cook so i'll order pizza

teejay- (laughs) im cool with that


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