The Trip Pt2

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I am going to kill them all. This is the only that has gone through my brain for the last half hour that we have been traveling. Whatever god or deity that decided that wolfs should be able to hear each others thoughts while in wolf form is an asshole. Because only an asshole would force me to sit through the torture that is these three for two hours with no breaks or way to turn it off. I mean seriously I have had to listen to everything from the latest sport story to the last chick that Donell bang. Who I know and now have lost respect for. I wish they would just block their thoughts from me but I think they know that this is walking death for me so their keeping it up.

So after Sarah made me a great sandwich and asked if there was anything she could do me. Man I love submissive chicks. They just know how to please a guy. If you know what I mean? Donell might just be the biggest douche this side of the Mississippi River.

Yeah bro, I totally know what you mean a girl is suppose to be weak and let the guy take charge because he is a guy. I wish all girls knew the way it is suppose to be and actually fell in line. life would be so much easier right, Xavier. I take it back his brother might just beat him in that department. Man, who am I kidding try both suck so who cares besides girls in the pack only have sex with them for the status boost that they think they will get if they actually turn out to be one of their mates. Why anyone would lower themselves to slept with these Neanderthal's just for a rank upgrade is beyond me.

Guys seriously just because Anna isn't a normal chick doesn't mean that she wants to sit here and listen to you two dickheads talk about how much ass you get and your vision if a perfect world. So either switch topics or shut up fir the rest of the trip got it? While Xavier didn't outright make a command wen I could feel the Alpha power behind that statement. I might not like the way that he does business but I guess at times Xavier isn't the worst Alpha to live under.

After Xavier's not command I experienced an hour of pure blissful silence. But like they say all good things must come to an end. So Xavier man what are we about to walk into with this pack anyway. Joel for once asked a question that I would actually like to know the answer too.

Basically it's a pack sharing agreement. Huh? I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I'm pretty sure I have no idea what he is talking about. What the heck does pack sharing even mean? Apparently Xavier heard my unsaid end question because he chose That very moment to answer it.

Pack sharing is a relatively new concept. It states that both packs involved will allow the men and women of mating age to meet at certain times to help aid in the search for mates. But our agreement with Black Frost will also state that if a rouge war or big fight between another pack rises that each pack can call on the fighters from the other to help us in battle. It's a win win for both sides. We get a larger pool of fighters to help protect the pack and Black Frost gets a selection of women to pick as mates, true mates or not, that they can trust.

Well isn't that romantic? Because that's what all women want to be right? A bargaining chip so you and all the other testorone filled men can keep fighting each other. It's a great day for females all over the world.

Look! I know this situation isn't ideal but it's all we've got. We don't exactly have packs lining up to help us, okay! We're a small pack you should be honored that Black Frost is even considering making this agreement with us. The pack NEEDS this. So get off your fucking high horse and for once in your life not fight me on something. Just stand there and fucking be quiet. Then sign the treaty, OKAY??


Good now let's do this.

In the midst of Xavier's speech I failed to realize that we we're in the clearing already. And let me tell you it was a big, ass clearing. At least 500 yards across, in a perfect circle. He'll the thing looked like it could hold thousands let alone the 7 of us that were there.

I quickly realized that I was the only member of the group. That had yet to phase back to human. Apparently while I was mesmerized by the size of this place no one else was and they were already to get down to business. Even I was the last to phase the guys waited for me before they started to move toward the Black Frost member. Whether it was out of respect or because they wanted to seem tougher by going up to one of the strongest packs in America with more people on their side I don't know. But I have a feeling that once I step across this clearing to meet this guys nothing will ever be the same.

A/N: hello to all the sassy people out there reading my little story. I know it has been like forever since my last update. And I'm sorry about that. I'm not a naturally good writer so it take me a long time to thing if ideas and ways to make them make sense in the story. I will say that this is probably the longest chapter I have written so far and it is kinda an important one. Also I will be adding ares into the story in the next chapter for sure. Also if you have any questions or comments or suggestions. I would love to hear them. Just tell

Me in a comment of pm me.

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