Laughing Jack X Reader~ Having Fun At The Carnival

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You were running, running through a forest going nowhere. There were people chasing you with knives, torches and guns. You ran as fast as you legs could go, you felt yourself loosing breath, and your limbs were growing heavy. With your last strength you ran until you came to a large sliver gate covered in cob webs, and dust. You turned and looked behind you, you saw the light of the torches getting closer and closer to you. You went under the gate and ran to a little tent, and went inside it. You hide there until the sounds went away, you then slowly poked your head out of the tent and looked out for them. They had gone, you were alone now. You looked around the place you thought was an old empty dump, but you saw tents with black and white stripes on them and old machines,"like a carnival" you thought to yourself. As you went to look around everything went black, and you heard a loud noise in front of you.

You woke up with, your eyes widening with fear and tears forming in the corners of your eyes. You were gasping for air slightly finding it hard to breath. You calmed yourself down after about 10 minutes of heavy breathing. You looked up and out your window, seeing that it was still very dark outside, probably not even past 1:00am yet. You remembered why you had woken, you had heard a loud noise coming form in front of you. You looked around your room, not seeing anything out of the ordinary beside a fallen picture. You looked down into your long bedroom trying to see into the darkness. You didn't see anything so you relaxed into your bed, just putting the noise behind you. As you were laying down to sleep again you heard a deep, high pitched, ruff voice in front of you, it wasn't saying anything but it was laughing quietly but you could tell the type of voice the owner would have from it. You jumped up on your bed looking back into the darkness, to see nothing once again. You heard It again a louder laugh then last time. You said into the darkness "Who's there?!? And what do you want?!?". You squinted your eyes as you saw a whitish shadow come from the dark. A tall dark figure stepped into the light coming form your window, the light didn't give you much more help to see the figure but you could pick out some details. He was very tall, wearing long black dress pants, a Short top that only covered the top of hie chest but he had bandages covering his stomach, he had black and white feathers covering his shoulders with long black and white striped sleeves the covered his long arms, his hair was black with white Iris and black pupils. He look contently at you as you stared at him with fear. He in an instant was sitting on the side of your bed, you looked into his eyes with tears in your own. He laughed a menacing laugh that sent shivers down your spine. He opened his mouth and spoke "You were having a lovely little nightmare there, weren't you?". "I wouldn't s-say it was lovely at all" you manged to reply. He grinned widely " I think it was just wonderful, especially because you were having a nightmare about my carnival" "Your carnival?" you paused thinking back to the nightmare, you remembered the black and white stripped tents. "That was your carnival?" he chuckled slightly "Yes that was my carnival, and you took refuge in it" he looked deeper into your eyes then said abruptly "When I saw that a pretty little thing like you was hiding in my carnival i couldn't help myself but come and see you in person my dear". You looked into his eyes as you went speechless. "That's why your here, you woke me up" "Yes i did my dear, i wanted to see your face and reaction. And it has pleased me so far Gumdrop" You looked at him and the name he called you. He stood up and waled in front of you and said "Where are my manners, I am Laughing Jack but you can call me Jack. And you are my dear?" "I am (Name), its a pleasure to meet you, I think" He smiled widely showing his teeth off, and chuckled deeply. "You are a cute Young lady (Name)" He turned then  "I shall see you tomorrow morning ok my little Gumdrop" He disappeared into the darkness and you felt a sudden tiredness come over you, you fell to your pillow out cold.

You woke up in the late afternoon around 2:30 pm. Your house was empty your parents at work, your siblings at school. You got up and got washed and changed. You walked out of your bathroom and into your room to have the door shut behind you. You turned and saw Jack standing against your wall with is arms crossed. "Hello my little Gumdrop, did you forget i was coming to see you again?" You shook your head in the no motion, as if saying you hadn't forgotten. He took your hand and his and looked you in the eye "Are you ready to go back to the Carnival? Not like you have a choice" He laughed deeply. "I suppose" you replied shyly. He and you in a split second end up in the carnival. It was much brighter today as it was light out. You saw everything in detail. The tents and the rides. He showed you around, holding you hand the whole time. You had taken a liking to this black and white stripped clown, he was being kind to you so far even though his appearance would put people of he still caught your eye. He sat down inside a big tent and pulled you down beside him. You sat beside him looking around. He said abruptly "(Name) are you scared of me? You haven't talked all day" You looked at him "No Jack i am not afraid of you, its actually the opposite, i like you"  He looked into your (Eye colour) eyes and grinned playfully. You smiled at him with rosy red cheeks. He lifted you up and put you on his lap, you were now facing him. He had his hands on your hips and yours were on his shoulders. His long fingered hand moved up your back to the back of your neck. He pulled you forward but there was just enough of a gape to speak witch he did "Gumdrop you wanna do this? Because when i start i don't stop!" You blushed redder and your body grew warmer by the second "Yes i want to do this" He smiled and closed the gap, your lips locked and in a hot make out session. You tow pulled away after a while of passionate kissing. You caught your breath as he laid you down. He put his hand under your top and unhooked your bra. You leaned up and kissed him as he pulled the bra from under your top. He pulled away from the kiss and took your top of, he then took his of you blushed as you saw his abs and chest. He put his hand up your skirt and pulled of your panties. You gasped as the cold air hit your almost naked body. He smiled and kissed your chest while opening the sip to his pants. He trialed his hand down your body his nails leaving light marks on your skin. He started to rub your pussy and you moaned. He inserted a finger then another he smiled at you while blushing a light red on his pale white skin. You climaxed and he kissed you again. "You are tight Gumdrop, but now its time for you to feel what pleasure really is" You blushed and you spread your legs for him telling him that you were ready. He took a hold of his manhood and out it to your entrance, pushing in slowly. You moaned in pain, but he thrust in hard and went all the way in "It was better to get that over with" You nod in agreement getting over the pain. He started to thrust hard, fast and deep. You moaned getting more and more of the pleasure he grinning the whole time. The last few thrusts were hard (very very hard). You screamed out "J-JACK..I'M GONNA...CUMM" he laughed and thrust one last time and you climaxed hard. He soon after released into you. he pulled out fo you and lay down beside you cuddling you into his chest. You were panting and so was he, but both of you soon fell asleep in  each others arms. His last words were "Your My candy, no one can have you but me!"

By NightingalNinja hope you all enjoyed, it was my first story on here so plaese feed back would help. I am sorry abou tthe rushed ending but its laet over here and i have school lol thanks


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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