Test Day

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You - Ok Dr. Oswalt can we do some sort of DNA test to see who the father is?

Doctor - Yes but you wont get the results for a couple days

You - That's fine I just want to know who's the baby is

Doctor - That's fine I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to get a DNA test if you hadn't come to me ny thursday

You - Thank You

Doctor - Not to mention it but you know you have to tell your family soon because it's too late for an abortion and your baby belly bump is going to start coming in very soon

You - I know I just don't know what to tell them. What do I say just, Hey Mom by the way im pregnant and I don't know who the father is... YAY! NO. It can't happen like that and anyways knowing my family they will think I meant that I slept with a bunch of guys, which I haven't by the way. I just don't know when, what, or how to say that im pregnant to them you know?

Doctor - Unfortunately I do  because I deal with cases such as yours on a pretty frequent basis.

You - Oh, im so sorry. I didn't know that nor think about what I said. Im sorry.

Doctor - It's ok, Most people do it and I know it's not on purpose

You - Well that doesn't make me feel any better....

Doctor - Just don't worry about it

You - Ok. Thanks for the input and such Dr. Oswalt

Doctor - No problem

You - Have a nice day! Don't work too hard! You are a doctor after all.

Doctor - Don't worry I wont, you on the other hand need to lay back and take a cooping day

You - I will thank you

Doctor - Have a nice day Y/N

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