Chapter 3

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I open my eyes to the sound of shovels and scraping, a blanket over my back.

Where am I?

I look around as I sit up. ' I'm in the garden cottage?' A fire crackled across from me, my fathers red chair sat by it, it had no arms. You see, only a king can sit in a chair with arms within the palace.
I sigh trying to remember what happened and how I got home. I had been working so hard my hands were red and swollen from the shovel handle, I lay down for a quick break and I must have dozed off.

But, how did I get back here?

My heart pounded, as I stood up to peer out the window hoping for a peek of whatever was making noise in my garden. My mouth drops, a whole group of workers is replanting the beds, trimming the trees, pulling up weeds and washing the stone pavement. I run out and around the cottage toward the garden path, down along the steps and into the courtyard " W-what's g-going on!?" I blurt out at one of them, he turns his head. Brown hair falling over his green guys
"we have orders to clean up this yard after the storm"

Oh god, the king knows I'm incompetent, he knows I couldn't finish it fast enough! That courtier told him! I gulp as the boy stood up, he looked about my age. He puts his hand out " Hi. I'm Clyde, your from the gardeners lineage right?"

I shake his hand in a trance " h-hi ...yeah...m-my family has worked the gardens for c-centuries"
They are probably turning in their graves right now, the Tweek who let the ball drop. Great. They'll haunt me until I die, and when I finally do die they'll give the crap out of me for failing and for not having a son to pass the responsibility to.

I wince at my thoughts, Clyde tilts his head " Anyway, we have other orders too. You have to go back to the cottage" my mouth drops open

"What!? Why?"

"Orders are orders"

I tremble and step back nodding my head, Shit. I've really screwed up. My feet move before my mind catches up, and I'm back in the cottage with my hands in my hair.
How long did I have to stay in here? What about my garden...what about that courtier? Will he come back?

I stop, surprised at myself "why am I thinking about that?" I catch a look at myself in the mirror above the fire place, great I look terrible.

Is that how I looked last night?

Groaning I flop down on the wooden framed bed and hide under the blankets for comfort.

I'm so confused.

King of Mine (Creek) 18+ AUWhere stories live. Discover now