Dancing Move

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Your moves Chris are so mad freaky, everytime you start dancing in stage in front of your fans, they start to cheer and then I started cheering!! Then one girl be right next me asking me a question saying oh you like that man on stage girl? And I'll say hell yes I like that man on stage, the other girl would say same to me girl, the fans keep on cheering when he stopped dancing. When it was over, he saw me with my box braids up in a ponytail with a shirt and my belly button showing, my short ripped up jeans, then he was looking and looking and looking to find me. after that, he caught me!! I looked at him and said oh my gosh babe how did you- ? Chris said to me and said you look so cute and I said thank you.. Chris looked at my body up and down and said dang you gotta Alot of booty going on and I said yeah. I stood there and got nervous, Chris looked at me and said babe what's wrong? I said oh nothing I'm just too nervous about all these people that's around me. He use his finger, lifted up my chin and kissed me soft 😘 And I was like......... Why did you kiss me? Then he whispered in my ear and said cause I love you that's why, he backed up and looked me in the eyes and said how do you feel now? Then I answered his question and said I feel ok... He said you sure? I said yes, at the end, he took me home..

I have never ever fell in love with that guy when he was old!! Man I'm so obsessed with him 😍😍😍😍

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