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I woke up, the air was cold but I felt warm, confused I looked around a sudden ring of pain hit me and I fell back the pain in my head was excruciating and I struggled to control my breathing through the pain I realized I was in a bed but I wasen't at home the room was well lit with candles and the drapes were left open to let sunlight pass through, the sun was nice on my skin considering the air was freezing not less than 5 minutes ago. Another wave of pain hit me and I screamed, instantly i shut my mouth and put my hands on my head not knowing where I was and who might have heard my scream I panicked as I heard footsteps approaching the door I could tell by the sound of the footsteps it was most likely a girl wearing heels the closer she got the more my heart raced as the door opened I held onto the blanket pulling it closer to my body

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