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Jasmine's Pov

"Come on pick up darn it!!!"

I've been calling Anthony for weeks now he hasn't picked up but he's been leaving me on read so i know he sees that I'm calling him.

"Jas you alright in here?"

Pippa said while walking into my room.

"No i messed up big time!"


She sat down next to me.

"I got mad at Ant and said some things that I shouldn't have"

"So is that why Stephanie is mad?"

"She is!?"

"Yeah she's been talking to me and Reneé all day you didn't hear her screaming?"

"What did she say?"

"Well let's just say you're not her favorite person at the moment"

"I need to talk to her"

I began to get up and go to her room but I didn't have to she was sitting in the living room so I decided to sot down next to her.

"Steph look i-"

"What is wrong with you!? Why would you say that stuff to him!?"

"He made me mad okay i know I shouldn't have said that I'm sorry"

"Jas you're dead to me right now!"

"Steph you honestly have no right to be mad at me i get he's your brother and everything but if you wouldn't have tried to hook him up with me in the first place we wouldn't be in this mess and I definitely wouldn't have said anything"

She looked at me with a little hate in her eyes.

"You know I'm right"

"Jas i broke his heart he might not ever talk to me again because of this"

"You broke his heart imagine how i feel i have sex with him i might be having his baby"

She began to cry i held her close.

"It's okay we just need to talk to him"

She looked at me.

"How he hasn't answered any of my calls and i know he's definitely not answering yours"

"He reads my texts"

"Well what are you waiting for text him!!"

I pulled out my phone and began to text Anthony i told him to meet us at his place and he's not there he's staying with his ex at the moment.

A few hours later.

"Mario come on!!"

"No he told me not to"

"Mario please we really need to talk to him"

"Is he even here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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