The Differences

518 7 0

His letter -

Hey darlin,

How are you?

We havnt talked in ages!

I cant wait to see you next week.

Its been what like a month?

Well it will be good to see ya,

Probs looking sexy as normal!

Love your boi x


hey baby!

I havnt seen you in ages and its broken my heart.

Where have you been?

Have you been avoiding me?

Your friends are around,

So where are you?

I guess I'll be seeing you in 15 days,

Not that im counting

Im so nervous,

I never know what to say,

Or do,


You probally wont even notice me

Its okay I get it,

I get it all,

This wasnt a serious thing for you,

Im a kid,

A child,

But you were a teen to,

Wow your 20 now big deal,

Dont forget about me when all your sluts are around.

Wow I get jealous easily-

Anyway baby,

Love youuu lots

See you soon babe xxx

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